When the article you quoted from was printed, it was during that very short-lived period when Ray Franz was one of the guiding forces in " dictatorship. making the society a "kinder, gentler
This was the article that made me walk away from the CRAP that is the WT .Due to a family situation and being a good "DUB" I had shunned my own Mother. This was "NEW LIGHT" Shunning of close family now going to be a personal decision.The elders were to have no say in close family relationships.
I,like a good "DUB" did not jump out to embrace my Mother at once but "studied carefully" all the wisdom of the "faithful and excrete class"
I came to the conclusion that this was indeed "new light"and began a limited relationship based on this new light.I do believe also that Ray Franz was at least part author of the article and this was an attempt to put a kinder gentler look to the BORG.
Along came 1981 and the jack boot NAZI way of treating your relatives.When this new info came out it was the week of a visit from a CO.I was so insensed by this crap that had just come out that day that I could not wait. I was at the KH early with all the info and confronted him before the meeting.
Nothing was accomplished.The bottom line was that no matter what changed you followed it without question. It was not up to us to question the almighty slave ??? class.
A further meeting took place at my home about a week later where I was urged not to question these new teachings but to "WAIT ON JEHOVAH"and accept what I could.
I saw through them completely at that point and severed my ties.I have never regreted DISCARDING this filth that pretends it is truth.It is now 22 happy years without the fear of the big "A" hanging over my head.I also get to sleep in on sat and sun mornings.