Comments You Will Not Hear at the 5-23-04 WT Study (4-15-04)

by blondie 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Flash

    Reports have come in that some publishers are thinking independent thoughts

    LOL, How DARE they!!!

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  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Thank you Blondie - I watch for this every friday.

    what is more, man was not created for the sake of the woman, but woman for the sake of the man."

    This is because men usually screw things up eh? God knew what she was doing and planned ahead.
    It is evidence that God?s spirit is at work in us.
    Isn't it only the annointed that have the spirit? The rest of the big crowd just benefit from rubbing elbows.

    This is part of the concept that the anointed are "justified" now and declare righteous.

    Why are there always new annointed to replace the ones that might have "fallen" off the wagon? Who is doing the premature declaring? edited to add some obvious questions that come up whenever I read... "man" was created in God?s image. What image is this? I know there are some verses in the bible about Jesus being in the image of the God bodily or fullness or something like that. Like all us other humans who were created in this image? Who here believes that God has 2 eyes, a nose, arms, legs, etc. etc. ? Isn't God invisible? Can anyone see God and live? Do you have to be dead to see God? Is this when the image likeness is apparent? Did Jesus make God visible in a way, for a time - like when he said things like "I only do what He is doing, only say what He says etc?" Then Jesus made himself to be anyone that you stop to feed, clothe, do kind, and "whatever you do to the least you do to me." It sounds like one viscious circle of being kind to your neighbor - Jesus - God - someone is kind to you - ..... anyone else ever ask these questions? This sounds like what Christianity (true Christianity) is. No more no less. (and that is where we all fail and are in need of forgiveness) OK, I'll shut up, it's late. Will

  • blondie

    Christian elders must be careful not to succumb to showing mistaken kindness to wrongdoers who could imperil a congregation?s spirituality.

    TRANSLATION: You damned elders are not doing your jobs well enough; you need counsel. We're being castigated on the internet daily by active JWs and what are you guys doing to root out the problem? Reports have come in that some publishers are thinking independent thoughts and that some elders are actually tolerating such "discouraging" talk.

    Very good, willyloman. I know of elders who apply "mistaken kindness" unfairly towards family members. Is that the same as the "professional courtesy" extended to police, firefighters, and others in positions of authority? What is more scary for them are the elders with "independent" thoughts.

    Hi ascot and Hi ascot?s mom,

    When the brother calls for the meeting I'll answer and then when the line is plugged into the KH sound system I'll hang up, make a pina colada for mum and have her sit on the deck and watch the birds in the garden.
    Out of 140 publishers there are two couples and two single sisters who offer any kind of practical, consistent help. Mum's been a JW for 43 years.

    Mmmm, pina colada, haven?t had one for years but sounds refreshing. I?m glad your mom gets some help and you too. It is a case of they would do it even if they weren?t JWs.

    Blondie, you'll be much happier in your garden this weekend than sitting in the local Kingdom Hall, right?

    Haven?t been in a KH for 2 years. Unfortunately, it is raining and I will have to do my container planting in the garage. Hopefully no JWs drop by. I love gardening; it is so much more rewarding than the pretense preaching. I spent part of this week talking to people in a support/activist group about the fallacies behind WTS teachings. I wonder if I can count my time?!


    , boy you are hot,
    The WT trots out these platitudes once in a while so they can SAY they do good to folks. But in reality, they substitute good deeds with TALK

    about doing good deeds. This, apparently, makes everyone walk away feeling good about the organization and is what allows JWs to think they are Christians.


    This so called kindness was the biggest nagging doubt I had with the JW's. I could not reconcile how a loving God could be proud of the petty, selfish, unkind members of the cong.

    That is what really got me to thinking to and is what eventually made me leave. How many times do you need to be slapped in the face before you stopping being around the slappers?


    I thought of this too after I posted my review:

    The worst "name droppers" are dubs. This is evident at assemblies where a speaker is always announced with his title and station in the borg.

    "Brother ThinksHesImportant from BigShot Congregation in Bigshot City who served 10 years at Brooklyn Bethel, regular pioneered for 20 years, serves as Presiding Overseer and Convention Program Administrator"


    I hope I can post them too. We are shopping for a scanner and are technically challenged as well. I hope we find one that we can operate by next Friday.

    Will Power,

    Why are there always new annointed to replace the ones that might have "fallen" off the wagon? Who is doing the premature declaring?

    The WTS teaches that the anointed have not yet received their "final" sealing and when they do the 4 angels will let loose the 4 winds and the great tribulation will begin.

    They feel they have to explain how people just as imperfect as the other sheep go straight to heaven in their imperfect state.

    Excellent comments and questions designed to make all of us think. Me, especially.

  • Elsewhere

    Consider, for example, Israel?s high priest Eli. He was lax in disciplining his sons.

    Eli?s sons also had immoral intercourse with women serving at the entrance of the tabernacle. However, instead of ousting Hophni and Phinehas from office, Eli merely rebuked them mildly.
    Wow! So all I had to do to avoid being shunned was to screw a chick in a "holy" place? Sounds like a deal to me!

  • blondie

    Elsewhere, actually I was showing that the punishment was to be removed as priests not shunned. It is interesting that David not only wasn't put to death as an adulterer and murderer, he was allowed to remain king and he wasn't shunned.

    The WTS likes to ground its policies in the Law, I wonder why they don't ground the DFing one in the Law code?


  • gumby

    Being made in God?s image, humans have the capacity to reflect godly attributes.

    Which is why we have wars.( I just couldn't resist)


  • blondie

    Gumby, you might note it says "capacity to reflect." Many people have the capacity to show love but don't. That doesn't mean they are unable, just unwilling or need to be shown. People have the capacity to draw or sing but that doesn't mean they are singing or drawing or even want to.

    Just had to throw that it there.


  • willyloman
    I know of elders who apply "mistaken kindness" unfairly towards family members. Is that the same as the "professional courtesy" extended to police, firefighters, and others in positions of authority? What is more scary for them are the elders with "independent" thoughts.

    It's been six months or so since I set foot in a KH, and I am beginning to think some "professional courtesy" is being extended to me (longtime "prominent" elder). Only on two occasions have elders checked in on me, and both times upon verifying that my absence was due to "health problems" they expressed sentiments such as, "Oh, then you're all right," or "So, you're okay." In my "interviews" I was very careful not to raise any red flags (doctrinal issues).

    In other words, I wasn't a rebel and they didn't need to worry about me.

    That being established, they skipped the harangue about the importance of meetings, etc., and went on their merry way. If I'd been a "mere publisher" they'd have laid a guilt trip on me and "counseled" me extensively by way of the standard shepherding call. I was puzzled for awhile, but now I think I understand: It's related to the practice of not making shepherding calls on fellow elders or their families (an unwritten code). This, of course, will all change the minute I vocalize my conscientious objections.

  • HadEnuf

    I recently took my 90 year old mother-in-law to an eye check--up (recent cataract surgery) and then to buy some flowers for her small garden. She suffered a stroke ten years ago and her 93 year old husband has Altheimers (sorry...spelling?). In all those years of her illness, paralysis on left side of body, husband with triple bypass surgery followed by small stroke then the Altheimers...I could probably count on one hand (with all it's fingers amputated no less), the times that she has been offered help in any way, form or matter. I was so worn out taking care of her and her husband after her stroke, having chronic health problems myself, that I finally had to almost go down on my knees and tearfully beg the elders for some help...just to have some of the "sisters" provide a few meals. She received maybe two small meals. A tiny jar of chili and one casserole. Visits by elders? Yah, right. Too busy sitting in on judicial committee meetings. Any "sisters" dropping by with food or an offer to help with daily tasks? Yah, right. Too buys working full-time for the expensive car, big house and fancy-dancy clothes for meetings/conventions or busy pioneering and showing all that love to "worldlings". Most of the cliques just help out those in their own group.

    Anyway...while we were driving to the nursery, I asked her if any of the JW's had called or visited or sent a card to her in the past few months. No one. This is the kindness that the JW's constantly brag about. They talk the talk but never walk the walk. GOOD RIDDANCE!

    Oh...and happy gardening Blondie. If the rain stops I hope to be out in my garden showing KINDNESS to my plants that never fail to show me unconditional love in return for my tender loving care. I'd rather take care of a garden than waste my time with the JW's.

    Ranting done. Cathy L.

  • gumby
    Just had to throw that it there.

    *sticks out tongue at blondie....then gives her a hug*


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