Tal, you said, decriminilization of pot. I thought except for dealers -- that was already the case in Canada? Also, Tell me about your Health Care. Down here it is always held up as an example of Failure by some...what do you guys think about it? ~~ Ignorant Texas rabbit
HEY CANADA! It's Federal Election Time,,, woo hoo! Whaddya think?
by talesin 20 Replies latest jw friends
Instead of election, why not have a revolution? 'Course the new power hungry a$$holes would likely be worse. Maybe just have a party instead (not political).
Hi folks!
Fiberals ! I LOVE IT heheheh
Yeah, it's true that they kow-tow to the rich, we need to have more representation by average folks in the government. But how to do it? A good question, and one that I have no concrete answer for. BTW, the 'every four years' is US, not here. To tell the truth, I'm not sure of the maximum length we can go without an election, but one can be called at any time.
I loved your rant! So much crookedness, it's hard not to be cynical. That seems to be the viewpoint of most Canadians.
Especially what you said about the health care system:
I certainly want to keep our health care system, but they just keep jipping away at it bit by bit, until one day, there's not gonna be anything left.
YES! But did you know, that 44 million Americans have NO health care? None. Zip. Nada. At least we still have the basics. That doesn't mean to say that I don't agree with you. We need to work at the grass-roots level (imho) in order to find ways to STOP THE INSANITY!
In recent years, the NDP has proven at the provincial levels in Ontario and BC that they have been no different than the Liberals and Conservatives. That is sad to me, since they are the ones under Tommy Douglas and their former party, the Social Credit Party, who gave us universal health care to begin with. That being said, I would still like to see if a federally-elected NDP goverment would be any different. Not that I'm right! But they have been out of power for so long, it would be interesting to see what happens if they were.
I like this idea! I think that if I had to label myself, the term 'socialist/anarchist' would probably the closest one that would fit.
Instead of election, why not have a revolution?
Seriously, though, I have felt for a long time that we are headed for revolution. It may not happen in our lifetime, but the poor can only be trampled on for so long, especially when we are living in one of the self-proclaimed 'best countries in the world'.
A really BIG PARTY sounds awesome! Let's take over PEI and throw one - close the borders! Only party animals allowed!
Hmm. The pot thing, well, the government just tabled the decriminalization bill last week (we don't want to be discussing anything too controversial when an election is in sight, do we?). Cases are now being tried in the Supreme Court. As far as I understand, right now one will only receive a misdemeanour (as in California) for 15 grams or less, but it is not law yet.
Pressure from our neighbour to the south (unfortunately that's the truth) has made this a much stickier issue than it should be. After a recent bust of a huge grow operation in Ontario, there was a lot of press about how it is being shipped to the US in quantity because of the unprotected border. Like that's a big problem. Legalization imho would take it out of the hands of organized crime, thereby freeing up both of our countries' law enforcement agencies to concentrate on the more dangerous substances such as Crack cocaine, PCP and prescription drug trafficking.
Health care. Ahh, well, yes the system is failing. I will be the first to admit! Once again, it involves the distribution of funds. It has been poorly managed. Does the government ever manage things right? One thing most of us can agree upon, I think.
However, still, everyone here can go to the doctor without having private health care. We are issued a health care card at birth, and that card will gain us entrance to an emergency unit or a doctor's office without any other plan. Waits are getting longer for surgery, things are really bad.
I guess what I am saying is that in my opinion, universal health care is not an intrinsically flawed concept, but it has been degenerating for decades due to mismanagement, neglect (mainly because of apathy on the part of taxpayers who for a long time took our system for granted), and the growing attitudes that social programs are not necessary in a capitalistic so-called 'progressive' society where everyone is equal (hahahahaha).
Thanks folks, for sharing. It's such a difficult thing to look at, to know what to do, that I love to hear others' comments, whether I agree or not. There is always something to learn by listening.
My own thoughts:
I vote for the candidate (municipal, provincial and federal).
When election time is coming around, I look at what the issues are, and who speaks to me on them. I also look at their record (if they are an incumbent). Did they speak out on the issues? Were they travelling all over the place, spending MY money on expense accounts? Do they always 'tow the party line', or do they make a stand on principle when need be? If they are new to politics, I look at who they are and from whence they came. Are they involved in the community, eg. do they volunteer or work on local committees to improve society, or are they just working to line their own pocketbooks? Politicians are supposed to be servants of the people, that's who I want to vote for.
Sadly, sometimes it comes down to voting for the 'lesser evil', but I still feel (personally, not preaching here!) that I want my vote to mean something. And yes, on one occasion (municipally) I spoiled my ballot because all the choices SUCKED!
Finally, I support the grass-roots movements locally. Went to the meetings held here by Romanow and his commission, write politicians when I take issue with their decisions/statements, and volunteer with at least one organization.
One time, the Health Minister said in an interview that, he thought one of the reasons that health care costs were rising was because of all the unnecessary gynecological exams women were getting because we did not have to pay for them. I KID YOU NOT!!! I was on the phone to his office quicker than you can say 'jack robinson'. Was I mad! The pompous ass. Yeah, we all love that particular procedure, don't we?
Anyhow, thanks, I really enjoyed reading your points of view.
I vote based on the relative intelligence of the candidates in my riding. I go to a debate and see how they match up with their opponents. I will vote for any party, but I will not vote for an idiot.
Rabbit asked: Tell me about your Health Care. Down here it is always held up as an example of Failure by some...what do you guys think about it?
Actually Rabbit, when it's run properly and has proper funding, is most certainly is NOT a failure---it USED to be a huge success and is still the best way to go in my opinion. Example: you're a single mother making $25,000/year and your child fell down the stairs at home and needs an operation. You call an ambulance, your child's taken to the hospital, you show your Health Card at the front desk and they do the operation. You're not charged one red cent. Or say your husband has a heart attack, and you're one of the "working poor". Same thing: he's taken to the hospital, operated on, hopefully recovers and you don't have to pay.
I'm not sure who's held it up as an "example of Failure", but I would say a good guess is that the doctors in the States would be first in line to say that. There's no way doctors in the USA want a public health care system, as they wouldn't be able to charge the astronomical rates that they do----it'd be regulated by the government and caps would be put on how much they could charge.
Unfortunately, our lousy politicians are just as corrupt as anyone else's and while they're always increasing our taxes, they like to cut what they give us.
Yep, I couldn't agree more. I have never attended a debate, although I've watched them on the telly. You've sparked my interest. I'll have to do it. Thanks for putting me onto that.
Good examples. We are losing many doctors and other health practitioners to the south because of $$$. I had a friend, an MD who practiced naturopathy, who had to return to the States because she could not afford to pay off her student loans here. After she meets her financial obligations, she plans to return to Canada to practice. Too sad.
Thanks, I've have had the impression that "it was good at one time". As far as the 'who' ususally conservatives, some Doctors...but, think about it the most powerful group here in Health Care ar the mighty Insurance co.'s -- it means their life.
Doctors here don't have it all that well tho'. I have a Endocrinologist in Ft. Worth...a very large city. There are ONLY 5 of them that are there for many millions of people in this area. He is closing his practice, he is going to a County hospital where he will get a salary and a break on malpractice insurance. He is going BANKRUPT !
This was hard for me to believe, this man is a Specialist and spent over 13 years in school and I knew an office visit is $65 - $100. Then he said my Insurance Co. (A--------a) was the worst of all. I said they were the best I've had so far...even tho' I pay over $400/month. He told me they pay him $17/per visit period -- total because they are so big, he felt he had to sign an agreement to take their clients at a deeply discounted rate. AND, none of the other 4 doctors take A----a, so now -- I have no Doc.
He said figure it out: He can see 30-35 patients a day X $!7 @ = $595/day =$11,900 per month. out of this He pays several Nurses, Medical assistants, Clerical and janitorial. Office supplies, computers, training, THEIR Health Insurance, CPA's, Rent, Utilities and over $48,000 per year in mal-practice insurance. In his 15 years, he's never been sued.
I looked up all the charges and payments to him and other Doctors, he was right. My co-pay is $15, the ins. co. sends him $2.00 MORE. This is rediculous !
We have a 'deal' for very poor people, but only in large cities. They get 'Free' health care -- mostly ER stuff, if you have any chronic problems, you will be waitng for many moons to get an appointment, then figure on sitting in a huge room of very sick people, coughing, hacking, sneezing on everyone else. When I took a friend there, I swear...I thought I was going to get about 15 dieases, including VD that I believed was floating thru the air.
I asked "Why don't people have masks on? This was the middle of Flu season! None of the 'poor' people dared complain, lest they be 'forgotten'. I went up to the desk and talked to a Nurse and asked the same question...I got resistance "They cost a lot of $." I said," I am going to call a local TV station that would LOVE to come down with cameras, they will ask "Why, when y'all say you don't have enough money...why make MORE people sick, cause you don't provide masks.?
I got a nasty look -- she said OK, gave me 2 from under the counter and had some one go to all the ones spewing germs and gave them one !
I you are over poverty level tho', you are out of luck, unless it gets to be an emergency.
Health Care is really broken here...
As of next year my insurance will be gone. I will have to sign up with a state program that will cost around $800/month, with less coverage. Because of my Epliepsy, no other Insurance Co. wil even touch me.
Tal, thanks for the info, it's amazing what we in the US don't know about our neighbors.
Btw, what is a "Riding?"
Hey Rabbit
I just got home from work. A 'riding' is the constituency. Each province is divided into sections, by population. In my city, we have 4 ridings, in the country they are much more widespread. Montreal or Toronto each have many ridings. Each 'riding' has a Member of Parliament (MP) voted, who goes to Ottawa to 'serve'. Whichever party has the most MPs, rules, and their leader becomes Prime Minister.
Therefore, Ontario and BC and Quebec have a LOT more political clout because of their population concentration. The east coast and central Canada have a lot less MPs, although Confederation (like your Constitution) was founded in the Maritimes (where I live), so we were the original seat of Canada's government.
We also have a Senate, which is made up of political cronies who are APPOINTED by the party in power. Senators are only replaced when they die or retire. The Senate has the power of veto, but rarely uses it. In fact, the Senators do little but collect a paycheck. Our Senate is, imnsho, a JOKE! That's probably as clear as mud, right? I can't figure out yours, either! heheh
WOW! You pay $400 /month for health care? I am going to work even harder to keep our system! If the insurance companies take over, the baby boom generation will be righteously screwed. It scares me. Canadians need to wake the hell up, and start demanding accountability from our leaders (and I use the term 'leader' VERY loosely).
Dalton Mcguinty should rot in hell!!!!!
AMEN! They?ve made more flip-flops than the WT Governing Body!