The Termination of the WTS

by richard 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • avengers

    Hey Richard.
    Another one from the Netherlands.
    Where about Holland do you live?
    I live close to the German border in a town
    where the branch Office is located.
    I guess you know where that is.

    It's nice to have you aboard.

    To anwer your question:
    Even after the WT is gone this board will not cease to exist.
    I have found people on this board whom turn out to
    be better friends than those within the Tower.
    The "friends" within the Tower have conditional love.
    Not those here.
    It's my goal to meet as many people as I can who post here.
    I lost all my "friends" when I escaped, and was happy to find out
    that real friends can be found. I'm glad Simon put up this board.

    And even after the WT dies this board can be used to keep contact.


  • richard
    Where about Holland do you live?
    I live close to the German border in a town
    where the branch Office is located.
    I guess you know where that is.

    Let's say I live in the Randstad. You don't happen to live at Noordbargerstraat 77? I'd love to have a Bethelite from Emmen on this db.

  • stillajwexelder

    I agree with Blondie - the WTBTS will never totally go out of existence and I have no vodi to fill (apart from my wife's !!!!!!!) I just have good friends on this board who have open and critical minds -- thats what I enjoy - so a need for a board like this IMHO will continue

  • avengers
    You don't happen to live at Noordbargerstraat 77

    Are you funny or are you insulting me?
    Just kidding.

    I'm not a Bethelite, but have contact here and there
    My kids used to be, so I was pretty much at home there
    int the Borg days. Since 2001 I broke all contact with Bethel.

    See ya around and looking forward to your posts.


  • lilsx1

    If the WTS was terminated than all the people who were in it would be just like us - families and friends would be reunited and the problems that brought us here would be obsolete and forgiven in the happiness of the WTS no longer existing. I have thought of ways to destroy it but am not sure it is appropriate to post here. It has nothing to do with death or bombs *lol* - it has to be more strategic. Something that strikes at the heart - of the society - and has to be videotaped so that there is proof and no explaining their way out of it. Clue: getting all the governing body elders to sin and showing it to the congregations that their leaders are not so holy after all. Of course, knowing them they would and could explain to their brainwashed sheep their way out of it *sigh*

  • orangefatcat

    Me thinks if the WTS terminated we could still have something on this board to still chat about.

    I think we could discuss JW stuff for years.

    A couple of days ago I was reading, and I can't remember where it was, but it was saying tht the fastest growing religion right now is the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I find that hard to believe considering the number who keep leaving.

    Oh well just my thoughts


  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    To say that if the, "Watchtower Society would cease to exist, then this forum would lose its right to exist," would be kinda like saying when World War 2 ended that there was no need for the Holocaust survivors to be supported. (Maybe a bit of an extreme of an analogy, but it makes the point just the same.)

  • Roddy

    A couple of days ago I was reading, and I can't remember where it was, but it was saying tht the fastest growing religion right now is the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I think the only people who make this claim are the writers at the WTS. They love to play with numbers. What they don't say is probably what's interesting.

    Like the number of:

    • Unwed sisters getting pregnant, having their babies, and raising them up in the kingdom hall.
    • Growth in the congregation due to childbirth - big payoffs from a gradual hushing of the no-marriage and no-children-in-marriage policy of many years ago. Finally one long term reversal of WTS policy that is paying dividends
    • Broken and disfunctional families who, in their dispair, recieve a couple of nice smiling JW ladies who knock on your door who want to be your friend. So you let them be your friend, go to their meetings, tow all your kids with you, and they get counted in the meeting attendence figures.
  • blondie

    The pollsters commented: "Some groups such as Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses appear to attract a large number of converts (in-switchers), but also nearly as large a number of apostates (out-switchers). It is also interesting to note that Buddhists also fall into this category of what one might call high-turnover religious groups."

    Interesting site but does point out the problem with the WTS, they only document DF's and DA's not those that "simply leave." It doesn't make sense to spend hours trying to find a new convert when there are JWs leaving every day because of lack of attention and love.


  • shotgun

    If it did die tomorrow then I'm sure alot of us would still keep in contact but the emotional helplessness I feel when facing the Pagan WT Gods would cease to exist.

    I'd start to live a more happy and worryfree life, now I worry about their influence over everyone and everything related to me, if that possible influence was gone maybe I could breath easier.

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