Wow, thanx to Jah, I now know how to take care of my hair ....

by Vivamus 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vivamus

    I cannot believe they put this on their website. This is the official website, right? Omg, the new light the GB got in order to have written this ... must have been amazing .....

    Praise the Watchtower ......

  • JH

    Can this pussy be saved with such a hairdo? Read the next Awake and find out...

  • Vivamus

    Hehehehehehe, poor pussy with its hair all tangled up


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • ozziepost
    Yet, to keep dyeing one's hair takes time and effort, and for some it may cause skin problems or allergic reactions. Even if you decide to dye your graying hair, there may come a time when you will want to stop, and then you will no doubt have to deal with the growing-out stage. On the positive side, gray hair can look elegant and give you a dignity that you never had before. The Bible comments: "Gray-headedness is a crown of beauty when it is found in the way of righteousness."?Proverbs 16:31.

    Good grief! Their control of the R&F now extends to what color their hair is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    I find it curious, Jehovah takes me as I am no matter what color my hair is, yet "Jehovah's (so-called) organisation" doesn't!!

    BTW G'day Viv! Your new avatar is very nice! Just like the Viv we know.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • avengers

    Hey Viv. Nice to "see" you again.

    An individual hair continues to grow for only two to six years, not endlessly. It then falls out, and after an interval a new hair starts to grow from the same pore. The life cycle of an individual hair is called a hair cycle

    I've seen girls with hair to their butt. In only 2 to six years can hair grow that long?
    Seems odd to me. But then I guess the Watchtower, oh sorry, the Awake is always right.


  • new light
    new light

    This subject is neither hair nor there. (It's OK, I went ahead and punched myself).

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    hehe. I have to admit, my geeky side found the article interesting enough to at least skim over it.

    Hey Viva,

    nice to see you posting again and I like you new avatar. you look happy and healthy

  • Country_Woman

    then they are at least good for one thing....

    Imagine the Vatican would meddle with your hairstyle.....

    to crazy for words.

  • LittleToe

    "Is that hair gel?..."

    Name the film quote.

  • Vivamus

    Ah well, CW, silly people say silly things

    LMAO, the more i think about it, the more geeky it seems to me. So don't worry Dogma, you are not alone in that. And thanx for the compliment, i am both

    Lol@ New light

    Avengers ... good to see you too my friend. And yes, ofcourse we shall never doubt the Watchtower ...

    Ozzie , how's the Shiraz these days? Give my best to Mrs. Ozzie if you will And who told you Jah doesn't care what you look like? Ofcourse he does! Sjeesh, suits and long skirts ... and hey, if Paul could say how women should do their hair, so can God's chosen organization on Earth.


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

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