I will start another post so as not to hijack this one....stay tuned.
by Realist 44 Replies latest social current
I will start another post so as not to hijack this one....stay tuned.
OK . . . ore we could just take this to PM . . . let's have a ball, LW!
For clarification purposes ONLY:
Being brought up in this sick organization does NOT make one a Jehovah's Witness. (This is also a number one debated topic in jw-exjw yahoo chatrooms)
In order to be a loyal, dedicated Jehovah's Witness, one MUST be LEGALLY BAPTIZED into the organization.
Many have been brought up or forced in at an early age. Yet, unless and until you become LEGALLY BAPTIZED, you are NOT a "loyal, dedicated (by baptism) Jehovah's Witness.
Hope that helps.
{{{{hugs Lauralisa}}}} Good to 'see' you.
sKally, ex loyal, dedicated (by baptism) jehovah's witness klass
little witch,
no problem if you want to convert this into a JW discussion!!! there is another thread about Moore's movie running anyway!
i agree 100% with your statements about moore, oreilly and the bush clan (with or without contradictions!)
I enjoyed seeing Moore stick it to that old bastard, Charlton Heston, in Bowling For Columbine
I found it very disturbing the way he ambushed a confused and unprepared old man and bombarded him with false information. Any merit Moore's arguments may have are eclipsed for me by his questionable journalistic techniques
Micheal Moore is a little leniant on the facts at times but he does make some good points in his films. "Roger and Me" was very accurate which I can say because it's about my hometown. It pissed off alot of people here because they didn't like to see their hometown so poorly displayed. "Bowling for Columbine" was interesting. I don't buy the Canada is superior thing because I happen to know that Torontonians do lock their doors and I don't buy into the walking out of the bank with a gun thing. However, he did make some interesting points about the US medias coverage of violence and the way schools in the US handle school violence. Very often it is a 'culture of fear' here and that's sad. Overall I agree with most of what he says. He's a very good filmmaker. Plus, he went to the same high school that I did. Yay for me!
Why does MM have to resort to lies?? May eb the facts 'ren't enough to sell his movies; may be.
Micheal Moore is a little leniant...
someone's slipping!
Aztec, you're slipping!
Are you offering to catch me?
Nice editing.
I could not resist making a post about Michael Moore!
France hates America
Michael Moore hates America.
Michael Moore makes a movie that is nothing less than a character assassination of President Bush during a war and an attack on our country . He also posts insane anti-Bush rants on his web site on a weekly basis.
How do you think the French will react?
You got it, give him the Best Film award at the Cannes Film Festival!
Michael Moore made an anti-capitalist film (Roger and Me) and has made millions off of capitalism.
Michael Moore made an anti gun film (Bowling for Columbine) and has armed guards around him 24/7.
Do you see a pattern?
Now he is about to release his newest lie filled rant on how he hates America and our President. It will no doubt contain the same sound and video byte editing, staged scenes and outright lies that we have all come to expect from the liberal wacko.
In the movie Roger and Me, Moore tried desperately to get an interview with the CEO of General Motors. The film basically criticized Roger Smith for cutting 30,000 jobs (I guess going out of business and losing all the jobs at GM would have been better) and the fact that Smith would not give Moore an interview.
In a move that proves that Michael Moore is a complete hypocrite, Michael Wilson is making a movie and has repeatedly tried to get an interview with Moore. Guess who won't answer Wilson's calls?
Michael Wilson's film is appropriately entitled "Michael Moore Hates America". Instead of focusing on negative things it will show us how great America is and what an utter idiot and hypocrite that Michael "The Hutt" Moore is.
Michael Moore, ever the ultra pessimist, has still refused to be interviewed for the upcoming film.
Michael Moore's film will be received as all the other planned bash Bush media has, it will be embraced by the left and ignored by everyone else. So far the mass media attack has only helped Bush in the polls. I am willing to bet Moore's film is worth 2-3 points for Bush.
Time will tell.
Posted by The American Patriot