Gorgeous!! Stunning!! PHOTOS FLOWERS from me to the Ladies

by Celtic 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    Beooooootiful, Celtic!

    I like #3 especially.

    Ain't life grand!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • talesin

    Yes, what IS #3? One of the houses down the street has a vine similar to this, the colours are different, but the petal formation and markings are identical. It's been bugging me for years ... I have no clue.

    Well, y'all know I have no clue! heheh


  • little witch
    little witch

    That is my first question also! Is #3 a clematis? It is stunning and I want one!

  • little witch
    little witch

    Also Celtic, the photos themselves are outstanding. Did you take them? They really are artistic and beautiful.

  • shotgun

    LW...there are children who visit this site, would you please watch your language...sheesh

    Is #3 a clematis?

    If you must use dirty language like that and need an outlet for gawds sake give me a call on the phone....after midnight or sumpin!

  • little witch
    little witch

    LOL @ Shotgun

    I know...doesnt Clematis sound like a venereal disease? lol

  • xenawarrior

    Thank you Mark !!!!!

    # 3 does look like clematis but the leaves on those look different than the ones in my backyard. Beautiful !!!

    P.S. LMAO @ Xena !! Good one !!


  • copsec

    I always get so excited when I see a post of Celtics's photos cause I know they are going to be beautiful. THANKS Celtic!

  • Stefanie

    Those are gorgeous!

  • bikerchic

    Thank you Celtic!

    I love this one:

    <insert purple flower picture 3rd one from the left, top>

    I would love to have these growing in my back, front or side yards........beautiful!


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