Awake July 8th extolls the virtues of Beer
by BluesBrother 18 Replies latest jw friends
Ok , I could not seem to add any more to the first posting. But the article raised my eyebrow . There is no criticism, no dire warnings of the consequences of alcohol. In fact , after advising moderation , the third page says that beer drinkers "Might gain some health benefits" and says it is full of vitamins. Perhaps we should applaud a more balanced approach!
if someone has posted this already then I apologise.
This is really "Meat in Due Season"
Third Millenium BC, huh? That's not going far back enough:
"This Mesopotamian culture is generally thought to be the first culture to produce written texts. In the example above the Sumerians used a stylus and wet clay to record the ingredients for beer."
But of course that date is ruled out by Noah's Flood! Of course, unless the Nephilim were drinking beer.....What did Jesus say about them "eating and drinking" before the Flood? Hmmm, might've been beer....
The Watchtower Society has always permitted beer drinking though saying to not become drunk.
A possible reason for this particular article is that STOCK is owned in a beer company. I suggest those who know how see if the Watchtower Society is listed as a stockholder in any of the major brands, although they sometimes buy stock through other companies or individuals to make it harder to trace back to them.
They have also run positive ads on mining (I think it was copper) and especially the airlines industry in the past.
A possible reason for this particular article is that STOCK is owned in a beer company.
Reeallly? Didnt know that. Thanks and welcome!
They actually wrote about something worthwhile-Must be a FLUKE!!!
If beer really does have health benefits, I should be one of the HEALTHIEST people alive!!!
El Kabong
They finally got something right. Wow!!!
Yes. When Joseph Rutherford went from Boonville, Missouri, to become Watchtower president he was against the prohibition of alcoholic drink and it often came into Bethel headquarters out of Canada. So that's been policy from the early 1900s. Beer and wine are common at wedding parties held for Jehovah's Witness newly-weds.
Third president of the Watchtower Society was Nathan Knorr who also drank and began large purchases of stock, although Rutherford had written against "big business" even while building a big religious book publishing business of his own.
I'll bet a lot of JW's will now feel less guilt for cracking open a cold one. Jus the article needed to justify brother elder's having that extra one.