tell me, what do u believe now. what really is the "truth"?
by bavman 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
tell me, what do u believe now. what really is the "truth"?
Well it's no secret that I lean towards Paganism. In my opinion it's the oldest, truest form of spirituality which is the most important to me. I believe the bible has been warped so much through so many generations. Anyway, my appreciation for Mother Earth and our inner forms of energy is what I find true. Things I have witnessed and seen, rather than the words on paper from men.
You are asking a question with lot's of different answers. Me ,personaly do not have the answers and would never claim i did ( that is what the W.T is famous for.) To me it is what you feel inside and how you look at things,it is deciding on your own what and how you want to believe . I personaly do not believe in organized religion, i would rather think for myself with my own conscience knowing i know right from wrong. As far as there being a god ,i am still looking.
Me ,personaly do not have the answers and would never claim i did ( that is what the W.T is famous for.)
Too true KLS.
Bavman, I like what Kevin Smith said in 'Dogma'. I don't have an exact quote but it was about beleifs vs. ideas. Ideas are a good thing because they are open ended. Beliefs are too strict and tend to be dogmatic. "I believe this and I'll force it down your throat until you agree". Therefore, I don't really believe anything anymore. I have ideas about things but I'll keep them to myself.
i believe in the bible & holy spirit. when i pray, read the bible on my own, and get close to the Creator's creation i am closest to God. when i let big org. get in the way i feel less close to God. i think we're in the last days but don't know when armageddon will be so we have to be responsible. i believe in family & don't believe religion should get in the way. i believe in free will tempered by knowledge that Christ will someday judge us. unlike the watchtower however, i believe if u really want to serve God, try hard to do so, God will give u the chance at life & will really help us during the millenium. i don't believe being judgemental is christian. leave the judging to Christ. we should be able to use our own conscience when something is not directly spelled out in the bible and leave people alone after they make a decision.
The Truth is that life is a meaningless nightmare of suffering.
I have given up any concrete idea of "Truth" from an absolute vantage point. We live by the subjective senses and this is to some degree the ox the pulls our wagon of thought. That said, yes I think some things are true, and in concrete matters its much easier to find one's way. Then we get to religion or philosophy or whatever one wants to call it. . With that it is becoming increasingly hard for me to accept any wild claims outright without some proof. Be it, some sort of explanation that makes sense to me, or just good old experiential knowledge. I know, to a reasonable degree, that when driving a car, when I press the brake pedal, the car will evenutally come to a stop.
If a preacher just came and told me I could also stop the car in a safer manner simply by reciting some "Car Stop mantra" I would be wary, without seeing it demonstrated.
So I can say, I am neither here nor there on whether there is a creator god. Don't know, and frankly the answer, while it holds a certain academic curiosity for me, wouldn't change my life much one way or the other. Most forms of Abrahamic religion depends on some form of monotheistic god. Can't call it the truth, if I can't believe it, but it might work for many. It might be true to their experiences. I don't know much.
As some know, I am a Buddhist. Everyone's got a journey. That, and suffering, are some of the only things you KNOW you get. Kindof like death and taxes.
Bavman...you can take the man out of the WT but can't tke the WT out of the man. You will forever be haunted by fear and doubt of your course until you begin asking the real questions. WHy do you believe the things you listed? If your respose slips off your tongue too quickly and sounds like something you aquired when a JW you should begin researching things afresh. Perhaps a good place to start is by reviewing some of the threads that Leolaia, Narkissos and I have started over the past 6 months. While being here I have learned much through these discussions.
I try to believe only what can be substantiated.
For me, a belief is like a table top that must be supported by four solid legs. If someone can simply come along and knock one of those legs out from under the table top with little effort, it will topple over. It wasn't a very solid belief to begin with.
i believe in the bible & holy spirit Can't tell what you mean by that
i think we're in the last days As it has always been ( ~70 x 365 actually )
Christ will someday judge us Yesterday and today
I think that you sound affected by something known as christian fundamentalism, but I don't believe that you are - yet - strange that.