Do you still get embarrassed by it?

by Mr Ben 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Jim_TX

    No, I am not embarrassed by it... not as much as I was when I was a JW... *grin*

    I have told my closest friends that I used to be a JW - and some of their folly that they believe.

    I have also said, "If you want to get rid of a JW 'doorknocker' quickly, just tell 'em you're an Apostate or Disfellowshipped. That'll send 'em runnin'."

    Most of the time we all laugh about it and move on.

    The waitress gal at the local restaurant we frequent is a Mormon-driftee... and we have discussed that and laughed at that, too.

    It's definitely nothing to be embarrassed by... it happens with any religion - or situation.

    If this fella is ribbing you about it - perhaps he knows it bothers you (or is hoping it does)... and that is the reason he keeps it up.

    Make a loud joke out of it - without making the JWs look too badly (most are just misled - and are not evil), and move on.

    He'll soon grow tired of trying to poke fun at you.


    Jim TX

  • Aalena

    Not embarrassed a bit-- especially since it's undeniably shaped some of the person I am today. Being embarrassed by it would be, being embarrassed of myself!

    I have no problem defending the people that are still in it as well=p It's their choice and if they are happy in it kudos to them. I simply say it wasn't for me but still have family that are and that usually extinquishes any further conversation about it=p

  • jwbot

    I have no problem with it. I talk about it a lot. I feel it was a good experience to have...not many people were in a cult, ya know? I can usually one-up people ;)

    I should also add, that it was a life experience that I think has made me more mature, given me a good sense of humor and I am hoping, some wisdom and open mindedness. I feel that I am truly an individual if I could grow up in an evironment like that and find the strength to escape!

  • tmo

    Yes - I do get embarassed by it. I too am embarassed by the fact that I was so easily led astray. I have spent many introspective hours trying to figure that one out. It does make for some interesting conversation with my friends who find out about my religious background. It is amazing how many people can relate to certain elements of this. I work with a woman raised as a Catholic. Many similarities. When a person is a witness, there is a certain detachment from people - they are worldly. Now, I am able to have a real relationship with people if I choose to do so. My "unusual" background only makes for some common ground or insights as to my personality. I still get embarassed by it and have had a similar experience to the one you describe. All you can do is be honest - most people will respect that.

  • BluesBrother
    No, it's really about me still being embarrassed that I fell for such a scam, and that I'd prefer to forget it all.

    Nothing to be embarassed about. rather be proud that you had the sense to see through it after a while and the courage to admit to yourself that you had been wrong . there are 6million plus dubs out there that are afraid to face up to that possibility.

    I love to tell the truth about "The Truth" . It is so liberating to be able to speak from the heart and not have to follow the Society's line.

  • Corvin

    Good advice, Blondie. I don't have that problem since I have no contact with anyone I knew back then, in or out of the world. There are individuals who I would dread running into tho for that same reason.


  • undercover

    Fortunately I never really tried that hard to convert anyone so I figure no one is really gonna give me a hard time for that one.

    But, yes I am embarrassed that I was ever involved with it. I do not admit to anyone that didn't know it already that I was ever a JW. My new circle of friends/acquaintances do not know, nor will they find out from me. Those that knew I was, know now that I am obviously not one. They are either glad I got out or, more like it, don't care but either way I don't care to discuss with them.

  • tmo

    Good thoughts for Jedi Master. It is something to proud of - to be willing to stand up for the real truth.

  • Junction-Guy

    I used to get so extemely embarassed if I thought someone would find out I was raised a JW, however i'm more like what country girl said, I use it now as an opportunity to un-witness.


  • Carmel

    I'm with Countrygirl. I use it as a form of qualifications for being highly skeptical about religious claims. Since it took me nearly two decades to become what I am religiously, that skepticism served me well.


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