how many window cleaners are there here ?

by josephus 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • COMF

    Cleaned offices, steamed carpets, cleaned private homes, washed windows, and buffed floors with propane buffers and Pioneer Eclypse high-speed friction-resistant polymer floor wax.

    Actually, I did pretty darn good at it, too. I made a comfortable income for that time, while working about five hours a day on average.

    But... there was no future in it. So I decided to go to college. And I did. Now, life is infinitely better in every way.


  • qwerty


    I pack my full time job in as a foreman in a large British industry, that's now gone under, due to our then prime Minister Margaret Thatcher (milk snatcher)

    Since then I've been a Vision Technician for about 15 years on and off. I just concentrate on business contracts now. I got fed up of being let down by the pigin British weather, to be regular at domestic stuff. Business contracts pay about 3-4 times more anyway!

    I still wonder where I'd be if I had listened to one of my bosses. I remember telling him the reason for quiting, including all the "I'll get a witness in here stuff". He said that years from now I might have change my views of what I believe, he said I was easily lead,


    "Now my brain hurts from having to think. Window cleaning doesn't have this effect, it's so mind numbingly boaring!"

    Oh! If any of our U.S friends want to know why Margret Thatcher was given the title "Milk Snatcher" well, it was because she stopped our young infant school kids from have there daily bottle of milk.

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