Giant human skeleton found in Saudi Arabia - Fake? but cool photo
by Sirius Dogma 11 Replies latest social current
Great! As if I didnt have a hard enough time sleeping at night
Big Tex
I'll bet he could post up under the basket on Shaquille O'Neal.
It must be the same source that last year revealed that a Norwegian fisherman had cough a real-life mermaid. He had a photo of her so it must be true...
Damn - Fake or authentic that's an awesome photo!
Fahad Alfadhl [email protected] sent the following image in an email recently. It depicts a 'before' and 'after' photograph of the so-called 'giant skeleton'.
A 2000 copyright notice featured in the left-hand picture provides proof that the originator(s) of the giant image came from the Cornell University Program of Computer Graphics.
Thanks Fahad! -
It's still a good photoshopping job.
I believe that a race of giants existed but I don't think they were that big .LOL Man that could be one of the titans from greek mythology . He would have made a great wide out for the Dallas Cowboys . HE HE
That is definitely a fake... according to the square/cube law there is no way that skeletal structure could possibly hold up the weight of that body. The body would collapse under it?s own weight.
The weight increases to the cube of the height increase, but the strength of the bones only increase to the square of the height increase. Basically a body that tall would behave as if it has severe osteoporosis causing multiple fractures in any load bearing bone.