Anyone Involved In The Resturant Business????

by ApagaLaLuz 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • ApagaLaLuz

    mmmm Carmel...... Mongolian BBQs are my favorite, good idea, there's already quite a few here though and they're really good, kind hard to beat.

    Sunshine, I havent seen a Shushi Boat out this way. My friend came up with a name Suchi Mama. :)

    There is a place near me called Kazama Sushi. They have the most incredible Iced Tea, Edamame and spicy tuna rolls. I crave them and eat there about 3 times a week. The owner and sushi artists is thinking of going in with us.

    P.s. Carmel thankfully my friend whom I'm looking to partner up with has his Masters in Business already. I come up with the great ideas and he makes them happen :)

  • SixofNine

    *examines Chevys head*

    lol, I've spent enough money in restaurants to own one. I still have to check to make sure I spell it right though, glad to see I'm not the only one then again, maybe that's a good name for a sushi/karioke bar; U rest-u-rant ~ u decide ~ we make nice food for u anyway. The asahi is always cold, the ass is always hot. u rest now sailor, have beer.

    damn if I'm not hungry for sushi now!

    Six~ no bigots were hurt in the making of this post.

  • codeblue


    I worked at a restaurant for almost 5 years!!!

    During that time I saw 12 different General Managers.........because this restaurant was open 24/7 and 365 days out of the was a highly stressful restaurant.

    They wanted me to be a manager...but I declined because of the STRESS ...We had trouble getting and keeping "quality" people to work there....but a lot of it had to do with the management's style of managing...(if that makes any sense?)

    However, the people person that I am, I did enjoy working there. But after almost 5 years, I got burnt out of working there...and of course I had a major move and took other kinds of employment .

    Hope this kinda helps answer your question.


  • codeblue

    oops...I left out that I think you have a wonderful idea....sounds like it could be a lot of fun!!!

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Oi Vay Sixy...... when we get ready to start the marketing you're the guy I'll call on for our slogan :)

    Thanks for your input Code :) I think it gets a lot more complicated with a chain, what with all the political crap that goes along with it. I had no idea the ammount of work and risk a venture like this is.

  • Dan-O

    You could do it up in a Native American theme, and cater to women ... call it The Sioux She Bar.

  • Amazing1914


    Currently, I have two restaurants listed for sale ... I sell businesses as part of my real estate practice. I find restaurants to be very difficult businesses to operate or sell. The restaurant business is among the most risky to start and have about the highest failure rate.

    Location, popular demand (fad) ... quality of service, cleanliness, and taste of food are all-important ... cost competitiveness is important, but relative to the first three factors ... Sushi bars, if done right (avoid the fast food image like the plague) can be very profitable and sustainable ... but they can flop. Advertize ... and be sure to have a person of Japanese or Korean heritage to help in the event you are not one of these two groups ...

    You might consider buying an operating Sushi restaurant, as you will have some advantages. The biggest is that if you fail, you will more likely break even compared to a brand new untested restaurant where it never gets off the ground.

    I have some other pointers about containing costs with respect to your operating expenses, such as the type of lease, lease terms, etc. ... but we can talk in PMs. - Jim W.

  • Stephanus

    A "sushi boat"? Is that like a "sushi train", where a conveyor set-up whisks plates of sushi past people seated at the counter?

  • Corvin

    I can help you with the karaoke part.

  • Schizm
    My friend and I have been contemplating opening up a Sushi/ Karokee Bar. .... I wanted to know if any of you have experience or suggestions?

    This is Corvin on stage:


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