How "New" is the name Jehovah?

by Carmel 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Carmel

    The witnesses' claim to fame is centered around their conviction that the name Jehovah sets them apart as the only religion that "glorifies my name..." I wonder how they reconcile this with the bible's clear indication that the Christ would return with a "new name" and give it to His followers? See Is. 62:1 and Rev. 2:17 and 3:12. If they qualifiy as God's chosen people while insisting on using the old moniker, I would think they have some explaining to do..

    Any dubbies out there want to enlighten me?


  • Farkel


    : Any dubbies out there want to enlighten me?

    I'm not a dubbie, but I do know that the name "Jehovah" is a much-debated hybrid name. If the Creator wanted to make a BIG deal about His name and make sure we made a BIG deal about it (as if that matters to the Creator of everything) then the Creator would have made damn well sure that we knew how to pronounce it correctly. Even puny human beings get pissed off when others pronounce our names wrong. Since "Jehovah" KILLS people for far less offensive things than mis-pronouncing his name, and since "Jehovah" cares so much that we say his name correctly, then WHY didn't he give the human race the EXACT way to say it?

    That is what I want to know. Jehovah: do you want to answer this one?


  • XQsThaiPoes

    Jehovah really should be aton or adon in english not a corruption of YHWH IMO.

    But most xtains would feel nervous worshiping a "pagan" almighty God.

  • Brummie

    The "Aid Book" and "insight" books recognise that "jehovah" is a mispronounciation and the real pronounciation of "YHWH" has been lost down the ages. Some people date "Jehovah" back to the 4th or the 11th century, I cant remember which. Naturally they like to attack the KJV for its mistranslations, however they lurrv to point out the name Jehovah in the KJV and say how accurate it is....

    "Our father who art in heaven, mispronounced be thy name" Doesnt have the same kinda twang to it does it?


  • Carmel

    Okay! You've all acknowledged it is an "old name" by any standard! What about the "new name" the bible promises?



  • Justin

    None of the passages you cite refer to a new name for God. Isaiah 62:1 (should be Isa. 62:2) refers to a new name for Jerusalem. Rev. 2:17 refers to a new name for each overcoming (anointed) Christian, or possibly a new name for Jesus. Rev. 3:17 refers to Jesus' new name. There is no mention of a new name for God the Father.

  • Carmel

    Excellent point Justin. So should the followers of the return of Christ continue to identify with an "old name" even if it is God, or should they take the "new name" that the one "like unto the Son of Man" will bestow upon them? If the witnesses refuse to be known by Christ's new name, don't they self distruct as the only "true channel" of Jehovah's?


  • Leolaia

    Now take a look at Philippians 2:8-10. It seems to say that Jesus wasn't given the name of "Jesus" until after his resurrection and glorification. Just something to make you go hmmmmmmm.

  • Justin


    The promises in Revelation regarding a "new name" have reference to a reward for faithfulness. They are rewards to be bestowed in the Kingdom, and are not applicable here and now. I suppose the reward for a faithful Christian would be a new identity, and even the new "name" of Jesus is probably not a literal name but his identity which would be revealed to his closest associates in the Kingdom.

    So the texts have nothing to do with a "name" by which a religious group is known in the present world.

  • exjdub
    the Creator would have made damn well sure that we knew how to pronounce it correctly.

    I agree Farkel. I never got the YHWH thing and never understood how, if it was so important, the pronunciation could be lost. Never made sense to me.


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