Our new Canadian Health care system......Rant

by morty 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • morty

    So, with our new budget, what do you think of all our upcoming cuts?

    What do you think of paying a preimium now?

    I am very disturbed about it myself...To me, it is like the middle guy that is getting burned again. The rich keep getting richer and the poor get poorer....

    Some of you are aware that I have been waiting for surgery on my back and I have been waiting for almost 2 years.I have now been informed that when I do get the call to go, that I will have to pay for some of the following care after the operation..ie..homecare, rehabilitation....It really pisses me off that we pay, pay, pay through the nose and the light at the end of the tunnel is not looking to brite at all...IMO, alot of these politicians remind me of some of the back stabbing JWS... They have alot of similar promises and just end up screwing you in the end...Anyways, thanks for letting me rant, and as my hubby always says in the long haul trucking " Hurry up and wait" Thats how I feel about about our health care system anymore.


  • galaxy7

    i think it depends on the province you live in. yukon territory saskatchewan and newfoudland dont pay premiums

    in the yukon prescriptions for medicine are free under certain conditions.The home care also varies as to what they offer now.

    I have lived in alot of provinces and I found the best medical care in whitehorse yukon territory if you can believe it.i guess all the doctors want to live there.

    Its to bad you have had such a long wait.last year i went for a routine test they found a tumor on my heart which i didnt know was there and the next day had open heart surgery.so for me there was no waiting..

    What i like about our medical care is that it is free i wonder what it would have cost me in the states with no insurance?

    well the elections are coming up and all are promising the world, of course you know if paul martin wanted to put more money into health care he would have done it before now, they have had many years in power to make things right.

    The most important thing i think is to keep the private pay for treatment clinics out of canada if they get a foothold it will become a two tier system.

  • talesin

    We have no premium in Nova Scotia either. I knew there was a reason I've stayed put! You couldn't pay me to live in Ontario right now.

    You've been waiting 2 years, omg. I went to my GP in January, saw a surgeon in February, and the operation was performed in late March. My uncle had a heart attack, and 5 days later had his bypass. Same with my father and his gallbladder, it took less than a week.

    This is ridiculous, Morton's, perhaps you should sit outside the legislature with a huge sign and SHAME THEM into giving you what we all pay for.

    If you post the address for your local MP, I will write him/her a letter!


  • Atlantic

    Our healthcare system drives me crazy. The problem as I see it is that it is so much of a sacred cow no politician is willing to make the wholesale changes it requires.

    I don't want two tier care any more than anyone else but the fact is that the rich already have a better lifestyle than the poor. They can afford better food, live in a more healthy environment and can afford better gym memberships. The truth is that if a person with the money wants to jump the queue they already can go to the States for an operation or an MRI or whatever. I think that if private medicine was offered as an option here, without paying one cent from the public purse and without any cuts to offset the people using the private system it would provide some relief to the strain our healthcare is under.

    (BTW I wouldn't be able to afford it.)

  • Gerard

    All good things shall pass...even free medical care.

  • Dogpatch

    I wish we had free medical care. I have to pay $477 a month for it, and it's an HMO! It still doesn't cover many things, like chiropracters, many drugs, etc.


  • donkey

    Socialism is a failure.

    interesting study? Compare Germany and France and where they currently find themselves economically (well deserved IMO).

    Now compare them to New Zealand. New Zealand was where they are now...what did New Zealand do to fix it's problems?

    Like I said socialism stinks and I hope it fails every where.

  • galaxy7

    how is free medical socialism??

    It must be terrible to worry about paying medical bills

  • morty

    I guess I should have titled my post with "Our Ontario cut backs"...not Canadian...

    sorry about that......

    Anyways, thanks for your honest feed back on this situation....

    I really do feel though that our Health care is really starting to lean towards the U.S.A. way....Now that we are going to start paying for premiums, I sure hope that they start to change their ways...It is so ridiculious that we have to wait months and months or even years for a MRI to be done...Our doctors are over worked and the nurses are as well.... I find them really short and stressed when you call for a appointment..

    Is it just me or is our health care gone down the tubes?

    What ever happened to free health care and the right to be taken care of with no worries of having enough $$$$$$ to be saved, if need be????

    Morty of the bittter pants class

  • Sassy

    sorry Morty.. when you aren't used to paying for it, it hurts..

    We have always had to pay for health care too.. there were times I owed thousands of dollars when my youngest was in the hospital..

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