Theraputic threads,,that you post to

by frankiespeakin 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    I 've noticed over the past few months an increase in these type of threads. It seems,,that even in somewhat argumentative threads,,were people have different perspectives, and they "voice(?)" them,, that these seem to promote more thinking on those that respond afterwards.

    This type of open, frank, conversation must have tremendeous healing power,,not to mention the sneaky,,unarming,,deprograming effect on our still loyal to the Org. JW lurkers.

  • Corvin
    This type of open, frank, conversation must have tremendeous healing power,,not to mention the sneaky,,unarming,,deprograming effect on our still loyal to the Org. JW lurkers.

    It truly does have a healing effect on me. Sometimes when I am posting my thoughts, I keep in mind that newbies and lurkers are going to read them. I have been given a good gift and I want to share it with all those who are still trapped in the organization.


  • frankiespeakin


    It truly does have a healing effect on me. Sometimes when I am posting my thoughts, I keep in mind that newbies and lurkers are going to read them.

    I think that's what makes it,,theraputic,,witing down your thoughts,,letting them be challenged,,defending them,,or not defending them. Learning to disagree, even getting mad at what a poster said can be a great revealer to ourselves,,as to what makes us tick. Learning not to take yourself too seriously,especially when someone disagrees with us,,even how we handle insults,,these things have to be very benificial in ways not alway appearent.

  • Valis

    Speaking of and Lady Lee put this one together


    District Overbeer

  • Markfromcali

    To me what is therapeutic is when the truth is spoken - and by this I don't necessarily mean the person even knows what the hell they're talking about, but if they really believe something that's a truthful expression of what they think. Its refreshing to have that kind of honesty.

    Of course, the nice thing about having a dialogue is that someone may point out something you were not aware of before, and if you are interested in the truth you will appreciate that, even if you think it makes you look bad. Frankly I think when we deny the truth on any level, that's when you'll have some kind of mental dis-ease - it's really a simple principle. If you're honest with yourself, finding that truth will be a relief, like a load taken off your shoulder. There may be other intense emotions over having been in falsehood all this time, but I'm sure atleast some have experienced that relief from being in confusion.

    Frankly it's a matter of integrity. It's one thing to believe a lie, it's another thing to live it. Often the relief comes when you see the truth about how you're living a lie, and you can finally relax and stop tearing yourself apart over a way of thinking.

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    This is the only thing I do now (this web-site) regarding any former-JW ministry, as I like to think of it. From time to time I think I should just disconnect from the JW concern entirely. After all, I am at complete peace with where and who I am. There isn?t a milligram of doubt in my mind as to if the Watchtower Society is right or wrong. I know its wrong. Period. But when I see posts here on this site, I am compelled to give an encouraging word or two. So I keep returning. Perhaps I get something out of it too?

    I think it?s about giving something back. I went through a period where I was in receipt of other?s help, and now its time for me to return that generosity. So, I come here and I mostly look for those who are struggling with leaving, or those who have left and are hurting, or those who don?t understand why their JW family is acting a certain way, etc.

    I hope that what I may say may make a difference. But I don?t really know. I can only hope it helps.


  • Corvin
    I think that's what makes it,,theraputic,,witing down your thoughts,,letting them be challenged,,defending them,,or not defending them. Learning to disagree, even getting mad at what a poster said can be a great revealer to ourselves,,as to what makes us tick. Learning not to take yourself too seriously,especially when someone disagrees with us,,even how we handle insults,,these things have to be very benificial in ways not alway appearent.

    LOL, do I detect a note of counsel?

  • Valis
    me what is therapeutic is when the truth is spoken - and by this I don't necessarily mean the person even knows what the hell they're talking about, but if they really believe something that's a truthful expression of what they think. Its refreshing to have that kind of honesty.

    I like that...


    District Overbeer

  • avishai

    Here is one I posted when I was really hurting, I let fly w/ both barrels, and got so many loving responses. Painful post, but it really helped me to vent

  • frankiespeakin

    Hey thanks guys for posting those threads they should really help lurkers.

    You know,,I read part of these threads posted,,,because I'm at work I can't read all of it but I think these two threads are well worth the read especially,,if you are feeling down,,they are very encouraging,,and help us all to get some perspective of how we help each other.

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