I sing the songs with different words (we are lying, uhm uhm uhm), (you are fooled by the GB, uhm uhm hum)
What makes you get through the boring meeting!
by DaCheech 20 Replies latest jw friends
Crooked Lumpy Vessel
I have a restless toddler. I would have to change his diapers, take him for walks outside, nursing mothers room. Other times, I would make my grocery list, file my nails, I brought a 'worldy' magazine once. Sometimes me and hubby would write notes to each other. We bring little candy snacks and share them. Nothing crunchy.
Now there were some talks that were really nice. I use to love it when we had a talk from a good speaker and it helped blow the time away. But when we had a monotone, 'English as a second language' speaker, I knew it was going to be a long one. Looking out the window at the nice day often made it harder.
New Castles
Id check out the good looking sisters that got up to go to the bathroom. I would also stand in the back, pass notes, walk outside in the parking lot...
Looking at the sisters going to the bathroom is good at Circuit & District conventions
Obviously Secret
I hate that I don't have any sisters that look ok at my hall...
I make up lyrics to the songs too lol.
"Can you see. With your mind's eye. Lies, deception and hatred. It may seem nice. Some never fight. But the truth will come here at last.
Sing out with joy of heart, that you one day too may really have a heart. Live for that day, when you'll say. I'm out of this org at last.."
Plus I think of stories in my head to past the time.
I would have many a fantasy about sleeping with him!!!!!!!!!!!!
mmmmmmmmmmmmm We need a horny smilie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steve Lowry
I don't go.
I have mastered the art of sleeping with my eyes open. When I start to nod, it is always in the "yes" direction.....
I read the Bible
I look around
Take someone's kid and go out in the foyer
I do my grocery list
I count how may times they use the phrase 'governing body' or 'faithful slave'. ( I usually pick it up 4 or 5 times during a meeting)
Absolutely nothing! Like steve, I don't go! Works every time!!!