I?m due soon for a shepherding call from my congregation Elders for a variety of reasons: being irregular in service, s poradically attending meetings, and o h yes, writing in a letter to the Society asking for clarifications on the blood ban. I?m sure that one question that they will be asking me is: D o you believe that Jehovah is using the Organization as his only approved channel of communication? Or some other variation of that question. What is the best way to answer that in an honest way (without saying NO and getting df?d) and still be able to not get df?d? Any and all comments would be appreciated. Also are there other loyalty questions they might ask I should be prepared for?
HELP! How do you answer the Elders without incriminating yourself?
by stichione 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The answer is simple.......
Seriously though, If it were me, I would put it off as long as possible, unless you are ready to tell them how you really feel about the Org. It would give you a little more time to figure out what you want to say.
With the phrase:
" It's confidential"
They are SUPPOSED to know what that means. But, in practice, we found they do not honor it.
All the best to you
Ohiocowboy, to LIE and say I beleive the WTS is God's channel would go contrary to my consicence.
My response to my P.O. dad and then to a couple of elders on a "shepherding visit" was this. "In good consience, I cannot answer that question with a definitive yes or no."
They asked me to elaborate, and I said that I was currently studying and praying about this question. I also said that this is a question tha will affect me for eternity so I really need to make a sober decision about this topic.
It got me off the hook for about 6 months, but eventually I had to choose. I chose to leave.
That's the best that I can offer. My prayers are with you.
Thanks Nina for that thread. Some good info was given
Thanks Nina for that thread. Some good info was given
Filing this under, "Understatement of the year."
well if it means alot to you and your family you can lie
or you can just say i dont want to answer that question at this moment in time
good luck
D o you believe that Jehovah is using the Organization as his only approved channel of communication?
Personally I would dance.
"I am confused on the status of gods organization since the watchtower has restructured in 2000. Since the Watchtower is not Jehovah's Witnesses anymore and the Governing Body has retired from the board of directors I can no longer see which organization is on his channel.
Also after much study I can't find what corporation is his channel in the literature. Considering that the GB is all anointed at the head quarters and is the visible symbol (mascot) for the entire FDS who all have the SAME authority given to them by Christ as ambassadors. Since the FDS is ALL anointed CHRISTIANS IN ALL HISTORY the spirit bears witness in (including non jws) and they do not have a line of ecclesiastical succession then I can't define his organization out side of those that are ambassadors to Christ. I just know it exist and Jehovah's witnesses are a part of it."
THis is a logical paradox because it is what the watchtower prints but not what JWs teach.
I can give you the watchtowers but if you have the cd just play in it with different words for the anointed.