Hybrid Cars anyone/

by Carmel 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carmel

    Last weekend Alan Alda of MASH fame did a documentry on the new hybrid cares by Honda and Toyota. Ford is coming with on and Chrysler is about to launch. Also are new fuel cell hydrogen cars one even with little discs the size of a skeet that contain hydrogen in solid form. Seems the next ten years will see a plethora of new high milage cars and light trucks. Would you pay the extra three grand to get a hundred miles per gallon?


  • Dan-O
    Would you pay the extra three grand to get a hundred miles per gallon?

    Sure. Why not? A few years ago when I was considering a new truck, I considered the extra three grand for a turbo diesel instead of a gas engine ... based on the price difference between unleaded and diesel, and the difference in fuel mileage, I calculated that I would come out ahead after something like 125,000 or 150,000 miles. I drove my last truck to almost 275,000 miles, so it was a no-brainer.

  • eyegirl

    i'm eagerly awaiting the Ford Escape hybrid. lately i've been thinking about how nice it would be to have a 4 wheel drive vehicle here in the frozen tundra, but gas is soooooo expensive it would kill me to drive one.

  • Euphemism

    Better gas mileage and better for the environment... sounds like a deal to me.

  • Daga

    Most of the people buying the current generation of hybrid cars are pretty disappointed with the mileage they're getting, not even close to what's advertised.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    All fossil fuels obtained their carbon from the atmosphere and I am going to do my best to recycle it to where it was originaly derived from.

    Stuff the greeniemobiles, gimme a good V8 and I'm a happy man.

    Yes, I am a greenie, but I believe that some of the Greenie doctrine is a bit shonky.

  • maxwell

    I don't own a car, but I do use the services of a car-sharing company occasionally. Basically car-sharing means you rent the car by the hour, and the insurance and gas costs are included in the hourly rate. In DC, most of Flexcars (the car-sharing company here) fleet consists of Honda Civics and a few Elements parked around the city. Some of the Civics are hybrids and I've driven one a few times. I haven't paid attention to gas mileage, because I never have it long enough to worry about that, but it is definitely did not seem as powerful as gasoline-only cars. It could accelerate at a reasonable rate but not at a high rate. However it was adequate for running errands in the city and close-in metropolitan areas. It still sustained highway speeds as well as any other car. What I thought was cool is how it would automatically shut off the gasoline engine at red lights, while keeping the electric motor running (This was in mild weather without the AC running. I have not driven it in hot weather with the AC going.). As soon as you lift your foot from the brake, it starts itself up again and is ready to use the gasoline engine as you accelerate. If I needed to buy a car, I would definitely consider a hybrid. I have no need to accelerate faster than everyone else on the road.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Sure. I love the idea of more fuel efficient cars, as well as better for the environment, coming out. About bloody time if you ask me.

  • talesin

    maxwell,, Re car sharing. There's a group doing that here, too. I've been thinking about it, but they do it on a monthly fee as well as usage time. It's a bit too costly for me right now, but sounds like a good idea down the road.

    In answer to the question, yes! Save money, plus imho more importantly, the environment. Also, the added benefit of screwing the oil companies.


  • DevonMcBride

    Yes I would. I've already been looking around and plan to buy one next year.


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