Words and Phrases from the UK

by Nosferatu 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    This is mostly directed to all of you from the UK. I listen to a lot of music from the UK, but there's some, I guess slang that I don't completely understand.

    Raw Ramp: as in "You're a Raw Ramp". I have no clue what this means

    Sod: as in "Sod the neighbors". I'm only guessing it means "piss off"

    Bloke: I'm still unsure about what this word means exactly

    There's some stuff that I've already figured out. I found out that "Top of the Pops" is a TV show. I also know what "Loo" means, LOL!

    If there's any you'd like to add, feel free!

  • Angharad

    Bloke = Man

    Sod = as in sod off, get lost etc

    Raw Ramp - I've no idea what this means !

  • myauntfanny

    I lived in England for quite a few years and collected many cute sayings:

    Stone the crows (expression of amazement)

    I should cocoa (expression of emphatic agreement)

    Tear a strip off somebody (read them the riot act, tell them off)

    Take the piss (mock, also take advantage of)

    Big girl's blouse (a wimp) (an especial favourite of mine)

    Have a slash (take a piss)

    They also have cockney rhyming slang which constantly evolves and if you're running with a crowd who's into it you have to be really sharp to understand them at all. An example

    Look = butcher's hook

    Lies=porky pies

    and so on, but then only the first bit gets used, so you can get a completely incomprehensible sentence like "I reckon she's telling porkies, but I wouldn't mind having a butchers".

    I loved it all, I found it really playful.

  • bull01lay


    I'm interested to know where you heard 'Raw Ramp'... it's something I'm unfamiliar with too!!

    Other colloquialisms you may come across are:

    Bog - same as loo

    Fella, Marrow, Chap, Geezer - all same as Bloke

    Cob, Bap, Roll - bread rolls.

    Mixed - Chips and mushy peas

    Duck, babe, darling - general familiarities with reference to ladies (some get offended by these.. why ? I dunno, if you were to call them SplitAr*e instead, I could understand them being offended by that! )

    Cockney rhyming slang is too much even for most UK citizens to take in, so it's not worth going down that route....!

    Here endeth todays lesson!

  • bull01lay

    Following on from MyAuntFanny.....

    Take a piss - "Point Percy at the Porcelain"

    Throw up in toilet - "Talking to god on the big white telephone"

    Defecating - "dropping the kids off at the pool", "One stuck in the departure lounge" or "Going to release a Chocolate Hostage" or after a very hot curry.. "pebble dashing the loo", "Squirting like a blood orange"

    Masturbation (Can I say that here?) Male:"Shaking hot white coconuts from the veiny love tree", "Indulging in the pleasures of the palm", "Owninism", "Bashing the Bishop", "Choking the Chicken", "Stroking the One Eyed snake"

    Female: "The KitKat Shuffle", "tapping the tuppence"... Why so many for men, not women ???

    Menstrual Cycle - "On the blob", "Painter and decorators are in", "Arsenal is playing at home (the red flag is flying)"

    Making Love - "Shagging", "Horizontal Mumba", "Horizontal Jogging", "Boffing", "Doing the Doo", "a bit of How's yer Father"

    I did warn you guys about my sense of humour!!!!!!

  • oscar

    I am pissed and randy can someone show me to the louu,how is that for proper english?Can anyone figure that sentence out?

  • Duncan

    On the old rhyming slang front, a particular favourite of mine is "arris" - as in " and the fella's gorn and landed on his arris".

    It's actually rhyming slang for arse - but it's at a double remove, and has nearly ended up at where it started.

    It goes like this: arse = bottle (bottle and glass)

    but bottle has its own rhyming slang - arris (Aristotle)

    So, arse gets back to arris in two moves.

    Duncan - Gorblimey guvnor!

  • myauntfanny

    For shagging I thought "bumping uglies" was funny.

  • bull01lay


    bumping uglies

    ROFLMAO!!!! Excellent - had never heard that!!


    pissed and randy can someone show me to the louu
    Well done son!!! However, you failed to clarify if you wanted some bird to go with for a shag, whether you needed to release a chocolate hostage, point percy at the porcelain, or were merely going to engage in the delights of 'owninism'
  • Gopher

    UK US

    Lift Elevator

    Bobby Police officer

    Parambulator Stroller (baby carriage

    Football Soccer

    Flat Apartment

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