
by Stefanie 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Last night my dream was about a girl with black hair. She was crying, so I went to help her

    Sounds like this girl is you and you are trying to help yourself but it hurts when you try.

    Dreams are an expression of our inner thoughts, feelings, fears, hopes and desires. Nightmares are those same feelings and fears gone to the extreme. Sometimes there are physical causes, sometimes there are emotional.

    I'm curious, but is there a similar theme to the bad dreams/nightmares? For example (I'm not saying this is happening but just for instance) is someone chasing you, or do you fall? If there is some general consistency, it is the mind's way of pointing at an area that needs to be addressed.

    Rule out the physical if you can, but stay open to the idea that the nightmares could something that you have repressed in to your subconscious and it is coming out in your dream state.


  • Stefanie

    Oh CodeBlue

    Kisses Girl!!

    I am dreading being this age, I can remember turning 21, but I was a jdub so I didnt get wasted, or go see some beefcakes......

    Now I have 4 kids and and am married...

    The best I can do is have a quiet drink after the kids are sound asleep. My mom cant babysit till next week, she is sick with a cold. Bless her heart. I am thinking of her today and how hard she had it with me. My dad left her when I was a month old. Actually he ran off with my slut aunt. I hope that Bitch gets crabs!! She costed me my daddy.


    I think I may need professional help.

  • Stefanie


    I am dealing with alot right now. I have been feeling guilt becasue I love my babies so much, but yet when i have emotional troubles I want to end it all.

    I am trying to work on my marriage, because I do love the goof, but I demand to be spoken to a certain way.

    I have father issues, I put on a few pounds after my last baby, when i look in the mirror I want to start vomiting..

    I am running out of posts, I have like 6 left, so If I dont get to respond, Thank you all so much for everthing

    Love yall,


  • Elsewhere

    (((( Stefanie ))))

  • Stefanie


    Now say something funny so I can smile...

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I am dealing with alot right now. I have been feeling guilt becasue I love my babies so much, but yet when i have emotional troubles I want to end it all.

    That was the first thing that came to my mind when I read of the dream you had where your daughter's arm came off, but I didn't want to post about it. I'm getting the feeling that these nightmares are about something, and the cause is not physical.

    When I was in therapy there was a period of 2 years where I had nightmares every single night. What I learned was to look at them and in doing so it helped me face some pretty tough issues. I did that, and the nightmares went away.

    I'm not saying that's your situation, but I can't help but wonder if the inner turmoil you are experiencing is coming out through your dreams.

    I have father issues

    Me too, or I did.

    I put on a few pounds after my last baby, when i look in the mirror I want to start vomiting..

    I've never weighed more in my life than I do right now. Sometimes I feel like Fat Bastard!

    But the poor self-image is also an indication of how you feel about yourself. You've got a lot on your plate right now and it's like you're shoving all this stuff down inside just to deal with the day to day. Only now it's starting to come out in the form of nightmares. It might help to talk to someone. It's not easy, but it might help you ease the pressure just a bit.


  • exjdub


    I put on a few pounds after our last baby too...the problem is my wife carried the baby and that was 20 years ago! Dohhh!!!


  • Stefanie

    Thanks Chris, Everything you said makes sense.

    The weight thing must sound silly. I know I look fine and for the most part i am ok, but when i am feeling really low, the first thing I want to blame is my weight.

    The Father issues are too deep. He left when I was a month old, my mom was still bleeding from having me. I dont think I will ever get over that.

    Exjdub, lol You are too cute....

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Have you bought anything from any garage sales lately?

    Actually, I was having what I call "night terrors" for a while. I'm usually a very vivid dreamer but these were more of just an overall feeling of dread. For me it was when I had moved in to a new place with new people. I was trying to get adjusted and familiar with my new sleeping area. I had a whole lot of stress too in my life during that time. I eventually "grew" out it though. Oddly enough, by watching "scary" movies before I went to bed. I'd think that I was going to have nightmares and never did.

    p.s. one time I kept having this reaccuring dream that I was eating potato salad at a picnic and my teeth would begin to fall out of my mouth in to the potato salad. It bothered me so much that I finally went to a "dream specialist" about it. Turns out I was grinding my teeth in my sleep when I was stressed

  • New Castles
    New Castles

    You could be experiencing night terrors. Its a sleep disorder believe it or not.

    Heres a site for more info:


    Hope you have sweet dreams!

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