What's the craziest thing you ever heard at the Kingdom Hall or Assembly Hall?
There were lots of crazy ideas coming from elders, CO's & DO's in my neck of the woods, but one in particular sticks in my mind.
It was the very last Circuit Assembly at Hellerby in Yorkshire (HELL! er... BYe!) I attended and it was a talk by the new CO. (I cannot remember his name now.)
It was about the evil Internet! Basically he ranted on and on and to be fair he was so animated that it was a masterly comic performance. At one point he was in a bent over position typing on a pretend keyboard when he dispensed his divine wisdom:
CO - "Look at the position the worshipers of the internet are in when they are at the keyboard. Haven't you noticed it's like bowing down? That's exactly what it is! Bowing down before Satan! Communication with and worshiping the Devil!"
I couldn't believe it! I almost laughed out loud it was such an utterly imbecilic trail of thought! I managed to bite my tongue though, as I was an attendant at the time. Afterwards everyone was equally raving and ranting and saying how grateful they were to find out logging on was in fact the latest form of Devil worship! Totally mental!
What was the wackiest thing you ever heard?