I was shopping at the thrift store today and ran across a Methodist Bible dated 1901 and 1929. I opened it up and saw "Jehovah" all thru it. Does anyone know what to make of this? I thought JWs were the only ones that put the name in there so many times.
Methodist Bible
by keeshah 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
Double Edge
It could possibly be the Darby Translation. There are many translations that use the word Jehovah. Here's one:
Restoration of Original Sacred Name Bible
Abbreviation: SNB Released: 1976 Contents: Old Testament, New Testament Source Used: Missionary Dispensary Bible Research (1976) Location: Tyndale House, Cambridge, United Kingdom This is a revision of the Rotherham Version. Since many people have been misinformed concerning the true name of the Most High and His Son, this revised version's aim is to bring to light a clearer and deeper understanding of this wonderful Name which has been suppressed for many years. This version concerns the True Name and Titles of the Creator and His Son. The Name of the Heavenly Father or His Son is given in capital letters. The pronoun standing for the Name begins with a capital. It is not the first version to bring out the Name and the Titles of the Creator and His Son.
The Hebrew reader could see YHWH as reverently transcribed by the Hebrew copyist, but was instructed not to pronounce it. However, he could utter a less sacred name, e.g., Adonay, Elohim, and El. When LORD and GOD are printed with small capitals, they stand for the Name. Otherwise, they do not.
The Name was suppressed because of the fear that it is too holy to be pronounced. This fear sprang from interpretations of Exodus 20: 7 and Leviticus 24: 16. This version is restoring the Name because of an interpretation of Isaiah 52: 6.
The King James Version forms of paragraphing and center references are used.
There were many uses for the name Jehovah and it carried different meanings for different verses and what it's intended use was. Here is some examples.
Yahweh Lord (Jehovah)
Jehovah-jireh the lord will provide
Jehovah-rapha the lord that heals
Jehovah-mekoddishkem The lord who santicfies you
Jehovah-shalom the Lord of peace
Jehovah-sabaoth the lord of hosts
Jehovah-raah the lord my shepherd
Jehovah-tsidkenu the Lord our righteousness
Jehovah-shammah the lord is there
Elohim the creator
ElOhim the everlasting God
Jehovah means many different things.
agape love, Gold Morning
It probably is an "American Standard Version" (1901) I believe this was the American version of the English revised version (1881).
The watchtower even published some of these (no changes to text).
It can be a useful Bible for witnessing to JW's, because it uses the name Jehovah and doesn't conceal the deity of Jesus Christ as much as the NWT.
Thanks guys for the input. :)