**We can't keep running after them - especially when they've made it clear they don't want us in their lives. I'd rather things be left as they are and not have to suffer stress than to have them here giving me a lecture
I agree 100%!!! You need to be around loving, caring and supportive people right now. You don't need to add the anxiety of coming face-to-face with someone who knowingly disapproves of you. It's about YOU and YOUR needs right now, and keeping YOUR wants and wishes foremost for the time being. I feel that someone who comes out and tells you that they want nothing to do with you, should get their wish---despite the consequences. It's THEIR choice. So be it!
Life hands us enough slaps in the face, and when someone is convalescing, or trying to cope with an illness---you don't need or want the added pressures of anticipating a "reunion" so that THEY can "feel better" about the situation THEY have created. The one who is ill is the one (I think) should have top priority for whatever reasons.
I guess I'll get off my soapbox now, (blush) This subject hits me really hard, having just gone through it with my situation and a JW family member who "decided" that I was "worth a visit" three months after the fact. No cards, no flowers, no phone calls, no visits when I was in the hospital and rehab----but suddenly decided to "show up" one day.......cantcha FEEL the love? There's a LOT more leading up to all this that I haven't gone into, but I've already drawn attention away from Ian----and I didn't mean to do that....
Hugs always,