This is about out beloved Dansk

by mouthy 606 Replies latest jw experiences

  • prophecor

    Best Wishes to you Ian.



  • orangefatcat

    Dear Dansk,

    I must admitt that I had no idea that you were ill. Fore shame on me. I just was going through some posts and came across this one. I am glad I did.

    The other day Norma (beenthere) called my from Kentucky and told me of your illness. I am so very delighted that you have come through this terrible ordeal. I am a firm believer in the "Power of Postive Thinking" and it appears you do to.

    I just am so overwhelmed by the love and concern everyone has expressed and I too would like to be added to that list of caring friends.

    I pray in earnest that you keep well and God Bless the both of you. And your wonderful wife Claire. May life be good to the both of you.

    Yes setting little goals is the best thing to do and as you said you have several things to look for and soon the green sprouts will be comig up and the crocuses and tulips and early spring flowers of everysort. I know I begin to feel anew with hope and strength when I see creation come to life. And the BBQ at Emans sounds great.

    wishing you all the very best and

    my deepest love for you both

    Terry aka Orangefatcat

  • bem

    See Dansk update On page 27.

  • Dansk

    Dear All,

    This is to say a great BIG THANK YOU to those of you who have continually sent me your love, good wishes, distant healing, prayers and cards. As you know, I was supposed to die last month but today is 1st March and I'm still here!!!!

    I have no doubt that I couldn't have done it without you. I am feeling strong and happy today and I ask that you please continue with the vigils as they obviously work!!

    I'm sure you won't mind if I say a special 'Thank You' to Marilyn and Ross for continuing to keep the vigils to the forefront every Tuesday. I notice Ross (LT) has posted about the extra special vigil tonight.

    I'll be here as usual waiting to receive your energies with my profound thanks. I'd dearly like to thank you all individually, but I'll save that for when I'm cured and can do it in person!

    You people are extra special and Claire and I thank you with all our hearts. Last month was also our anniversay in leaving Watchtower. We've now been free for two years!!

    All our love,

    Ian & Claire


  • prophecor

    Hello Ian, I've not had the pleasure of conversing with you, but I've followed your story. I am so glad to know that your getting better. I wish you plenty of + energy, prayers, and good wishes for your world.

    Much Respect


  • ChristianObserver

    {{{Ian and Claire}}}

  • Dansk

    Good to meet you, Art!

    Thanks again, CO! Between us all we'll beat this!


  • bem

    Dear Ian, Great to hear your encouraging words, they do so much for me, (( Oh wait this aint about me)) Hugs to you and your family.

    I especially thank Ross and Marilyn for the kind heartfelt reminders. so that we may all remember how important we are to one another.

  • Sassy
    This is to say a great BIG THANK YOU to those of you who have continually sent me your love, good wishes, distant healing, prayers and cards. As you know, I was supposed to die last month but today is 1st March and I'm still here!!!!

    I have no doubt that I couldn't have done it without you. I am feeling strong and happy today and I ask that you please continue with the vigils as they obviously work!!

    we are so glad you are STILL HERE!! WE love you Ian and will keep up the vigils!

  • prophesariah

    Hi Ian,

    I've just finished reading this entire thread. It has been most inspiring. I commend you for your strength, fortitude, and tenacity in the battle you have been waging against this illness. You have been steadfast in seeking out and implementing a variety of different weapons to combat your disease You willingly share what you have been going through not just to help yourself by venting, but to help others.I admire your " I am not giving up/in" spirit.

    You are truly blessed to have such a constant outpouring of love and support. You are very special to many people who look forward to you being around for quite some time. Blessings to you and your family. May you continue to make progress in your journey on the path to healing. You are in my prayers.


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