By how much of a %age has your faith weakened? - difficult to say -- circa 60%
How much of a blow was it? not a blow at all I am happy
What was it due to? Unscriptural and anti-scriptural teachings and procedures -- look at the re-instatemnet procedure for anybody after being DF/d - now read tha account of the Prodigal Son -- you tell me which is scriptural please
Have you tried to bring your doubts to anyone?
Oh sure - -I would last 5 minutes before being disfellowshipped for apsotasy -- those bastards are ruthless an unchrist like -- organizational obedience is far more important than scriptural correctness With what result?
What things do you now doubt? Very little really - I mean obviously only a total fool would still believe in 1914 - even the GB do not believe that. So I am not unique ther -- many other teachings I still believe in.
What things do you still believe in? (Trinity, New world, blood's sacredness etc) Still believe the Trinity is Horseshit and God Dishonoring, still believe that Hellfire is such a stupid doctrine that you really have to have no brain cells or not read History to believe that one - blood is still sacred but hell - every time I eat my rarre prime rib I am eating blood so I have no problem with brothers and sisters who have blood transfusions
What keeps you going to meetings? Family
If you preach, how do you, not feeling 100% in your belief? No problem I just place magazines - even a zombie can do that
Is it hard? No very easy - as I said a zombie could place magazines
What are your plans within the org? To stay within it and hopefully work for changes from within
Will you do something definitive like: ask a bunch of questions at the risk of reproof, DF etc?
Not yet - but if the CORRECT opportunity arises I will