by Mary 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Pat, having been an elder's wife, Stepford Wives hits too close to home....ooooh!


  • Mary
    And where the heck are you going to the movies that it cost you $12???

    Silver City Cinema..........in Canada, don't forget, our dollar is only worth about 70 cents American so we get screwed on everything.

  • patio34

    Hi Blondie,

    Toooooo bad. I'll let you know what it was like. Lol, I always wanted to be an elder's wife (be careful what you wish for!!).


    We just saw Day After Tomorrow and thought it was an excellent movie. We enjoyed every minute of it!! The script, the acting, the special effects, and the storyline. Gosh, just for sheer enjoyment sans going into details of why it was wrong, we give it !!!

    I know they took some "poetic license," but thought it worked well!


  • wasasister

    I think it's very creepy that much of the Midwestern US is experiencing a little of this movie as I write this. Somewhere like 92 tornado reports in the Missouri and Illinois area?? Bet those folks aren't rushing to the theater to see this flick, especially when they can see it as they run to their cellars.

  • sf

    Again, blondie delivers the goods!! I KNEW someone would post that awful graphic in the Paradise book in this thread. It's why I even bothered to open it! hahaha


  • Mary
    I think it's very creepy that much of the Midwestern US is experiencing a little of this movie as I write this. Somewhere like 92 tornado reports in the Missouri and Illinois area??

    I heard that on CNN this morning and I thought "..did I hear that right?? 92 tornados???" While I was very disappointed in the story line of the movie, I do believe this planet is headed for catastrophe if we don't do something NOW. There's the technology available now for cars to run partially on solar power which would go a long way in reducing the emissions into the ozone. The weather is too freaky anymore and I've noticed a real change in the last 10 years. Here in Southern Ontario, we generally got Winter in December and Spring used to come in April. Now, we generally get our first snowfall at the end of October for crissakes, and it doesn't warm up around here until June. Then it's so god damn hot, muggy and polluted that you can't even go outside. We alternate between drought and floods----there doesn't seem to be any happy medium anymore.

    What am I talking about? Armageddon is (all together now:) "right around the corner", so I guess none of us have anything to worry about after all!!

  • CountryGuy

    Went and saw the movie last night. When we came out... there was a giant cloud wall to the north with lightening on the north, west and east of us... very surreal.

    I liked the movie, a lot. Much better than VanHelsing. But then again, I'm with Doc... for some reason I love those End-of-the-world-we're-all-gonna-die-and-there's-one-scientist-who-can-save-us-all-but-no-one-listens-to-him-until-it's-too-late-then-he-does-something-heroic-and-saves-us-and-while-some-of-the-minor-characters-die-almost-everyone-central-to-the-story-makes-it-out-alive-and-the-divorced-couple-gets-back-together-again movies.

    I just have three questions:
    1. Where did the name "Day After Tomorrow" come from? Is that how long it took to write?
    2. Am I the only one who thought the Pres and VP looked an awful lot like W. and Cheney?
    3. Did anyone else look for the WTs buildings when NY was being 'destroyed' by the wall of water?


  • blondie

    1) Actually the title was originally Tomorrow. No, it is not Oscar material.

    2) Even with plastic surgery, GeorgeW will never look like Perry King (wotta hunk)

    3) My hubbie leaned over in the NYC scene as said "Where's Bethel?"

  • maxwell
    He somehow manages to walk from Pittsburg to New York City in a remarkably short amount of time. Guess he must really be from the planet Krypton and he's disguised as a mild-mannered professor.

    While I do agree that many parts of the movie were unbelievable, if I understood it correctly, he walked from somewhere just north of Philadelphia to New York. That would have been a walk of around 100 miles and he supposedly made the walk over a few days. If a person were in shape and could maintain 2.5 mph for 10 hours a day, that's a four day walk. Not quite as unbelievable for just a normal walk for a person who's in shape, but when you add in the fact that there were freezing temperatures, snow and wind, and that they were dragging heavy loads at first and walking snow shoes, then it does still approach miraculous proportions. And the fact that the flash freezing temperature happened to only go down to the point to cause flash freezing but not to the point that it would overcome there efforts to resist it is far-fetched as well.

    Yet, I still enjoyed the movie with the normal cheesy struggle between the brilliant scientist and the silly politician who won't believe the scientist and the overly dramatic monologue by the head politician at the end of the movie. I like the special effects of disaster movies. The kids in scholastic decathlon reminded me of participating in academic decathlon in high school and my self-proclaimed nerd status at the time.

    Edited to add: Most the NYC scenes were supposedly in Manhattan. Bethel is in Brooklyn. I think they panned from Brooklyn to Manhattan maybe once looking at the southern end of both islands. Isn't Bethel near the Brooklyn Bridge a little further up?

  • patio34

    Well, as Dennis Quaid says when questioned about the scientific aspects, etc.

    "It's a MOVIE."

    It was great.

    Besides, when they started out to New York, they were driving a truck. And they were Antarctica specialists.


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