Most Christian religions believe that Jesus died for our sins or that he took all of our sins upon himself. Although I happen to think that notion is also wacky, I don't think it is nearly as wacky as the ransom doctrine.
The Bible never said Adam and Eve were perfect, and never said they would live forever if they obeyed God, so those who believe that it took a perfect man to "buy back" what Adam and Eve lost can't make there case on the evidence.
Furthermore, in the real world what happens when a ransom is paid? The hostage is almost immediatley returned! It's 2,000 years after this "ransom" was paid and the billions of people who have lived and died and those living today are still hostages. Makes no sense.
For it to be a genuine ransom, when Jesus died we should have been returned to a perfect condition, and perhaps made to pass a test similar to the one Adam and Eve had to pass. But no! We still get to keep our diseases, faminies, criminals and we have to make all the mistakes people who perfect would not make. But besides all this, we have to face tests and challenges a thousand times harder than those faced by the first couple, both now and at the end of the 1,000 year reign.
So, to me at least, that "ransom" made by Jesus was meaningless.
Finally, if one of your children's friends committed a terrible crime, would you kill your own innocent child as restitution for that sin? NO! It's stupid, and unbelievably cruel to even consider such a thing.
But that's exactly what Bible God did.