INFP - Whats your Type?

by Gretchen956 42 Replies latest social current

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    Your Type is
    Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Judging
    Strength of the preferences %
    11 56 44 33
  • Euphemism

    Odrade, are you serious? I would have sworn up and down that you were a J! Shows you what I know.

    I'm an INFJ, albeit with a strong T function. Gretchen wrote:

    Wow, Doc, theres a HUGE difference between those two!! [INFJ and INTJ] I'd be interested to hear which one it was.
    That's certainly true, in general terms. But I think the preferences are really 'sliding scales', not all one or the other. So it stands to reason that some people will be pretty close to the middle of the scale.
  • seeitallclearlynow

    That's too funny.. my friends have always called me "Spock". I guess the shoe fits.


  • drwtsn32
    So drwtsn32, in reality, you are Mr. Spock! Cool! Do you miss Vulcan much??

    Yeah, I do miss Vulcan... how'd you know?

    Just kidding - you know I have always appreciated you very much.

    Thanks...that's kind of you to say!!

  • Morgan

    I am INFJ. They say only 1% are this type. That explains alot. Always felt like I was the oddball!


  • logansrun

    Hillary step, please read this.

  • LittleToe


    We posted something similar to this, earlier this year:

  • Odrade

    Euph, yeah, I've heard that before, but I actually test really strong P. The one that's not as clear is F, I'm almost an even split for F/T, but when I read the profiles for both, it's pretty clear that the ENFP is the more accurate. To tell the truth, I'm not exactly sure on the differences between P/J. My impression is that Js tend to be a bit more stubborn, which would fit me, except that I tend to change my mind fairly easily if someone can present a valid argument.

    I'm sure some of you who are more up on the Myer-Briggs thing can correct me if I'm wrong. Ha!


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    The fiercest enemy is the man/women with NOTHING TO LOSE! Tags or labels are irrelevant with me.I watched the Watchtower 'Soul Rape' 4 generations of my family and myself. So this makes me sorta a Nazi hunter/holocaust survivor.I am the Watchtower's very own 'Frankenstein's monster'. Defined as the;"creature that turns on it's creator"FrankensteinYou made me Watchtower how do you like your very own creation? I live to KILL THE ENEMY.

  • Euphemism

    Odrade's... J's aren't necessarily more stubborn. They do, however, tend to be more certainty-driven than Ps, which does sometimes manifest itself as stubborness. More often, however, it shows up as an inclination towards scheduling, organization, predictability, etc.

    IMHO, while the tests are helpful, there's really no substitute for reading the profiles and deciding which one fits you best.

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