It's not easy to admit to yourself that your whole way of thinking and living has been a lie. Give them some time because they may come around to the real truth eventually.
They know about UN debacle, but they simply don't care!
by Quotes 34 Replies latest watchtower scandals
For those of you interested in why your rational arguments and reasoning, in addition to well documented information do little to sway the beliefs of true believers (family, friends, and loved ones), the reason as offered in the following article is survival.
Offered humbly for your perusal,
yep for me it finally helped me come to better understand why
i wrote a pc on "THE SHOPPING CART" awhile back that highlighted how it works in real terms for the avg jw
(((Quotes))) If your parents leave the WT they will be awed when they recognize all the ways you have quietly worked to draw them out of this cult--all the work in your website, etc, the results of your love. You are an inspiration!
Remind them that the Bible commands us to use HONEST SCALES ( Prov. 11:1, Prov. 20:23, Hos 12:7)
--that is, the same standard for measuring the same things.Therefore, if it is allowable for the WT to have their "reasons", then it is must also be allowable for the Catholic Church to have theirs as well, right? Likewise, if the GB is made of imperfect men, well then, we must allow the same for the Catholics. So why is it inexcusable for Catholics to associate with the UN--yet perfectly excusable for the WT???? The WT is guilty of gross hypocrasy, and their hiding of the association proves it. I think that if you can stress that their expectation of WT exhoneration actually excuses the Catholics as well... that could make them mighty uncomfortable.
BTW, have you played up the moral high road with them? That is, are you explaining that the WT has grieviously stumbled you, etc? It might help them to separate from the WT a little more if they see that high moral standards, not lower ones, are what they would be actually pursuing.
No Apologies
Not to hijack the thread, but what are you referring to when you mentioned 911 status for the KH?
No Apologies
Thanks for your response, I had been thinking about the "two scales condemned" scripture, but never got around to looking it up. Besides, I was thinking about applying it to JWs vs. Gov Body. Your suggestion to apply it to Watchtower vs. Catholic Church is far more significant, IMHO. Great suggestion!
I will have to "buy out the opportune time" to discuss this; if I feed Mum too much info she might regurgitate everything I've fed her up to now, and I'll be back at square one; and she probably won't be looking for more "food" to "chew on".
~Quotes, of the "Only One Digital Scale In My House" class
Wow, makes me realize once again what a mind controlling cult the WT actually is. I too was in denial about many things even after I could no longer be a JW. The denial thing is heavily programmed into the minds of the members of this Org. It scares me to think how entrenched I was in the program. I'm out now, but still seeking support so I guess I am not totally over the programming myself and that's why I am here this morning I suppose.
No Apologies
Apparently, they were told they would not be covered by 911 (ie, no ambulance or fire dept if needed), unless they paid the standard fees, from which they were claiming exemption. We pay a 'tax' (surcharge) on our telephone bills for 911, but I'm not sure what else this entails for a 'business' per se. If that is it, it's only a couple of dollars per month at the very most.