1) Why would "God" give them crap to sell to their followers and later give them the "truth" to sell to their followers?
Why did he give the jews the law then do away with it?
2) Why would "God" give them the "correct" truth to sell to their followers, then later give them crap to sell to their followers, and even later give them BACK the "correct" truth to sell to their followers?
Why he tell Hosea to marry a virgin hoe that would cheat on him then later become faithful, just so he could go buy her back and then finally live happily ever after?
Why would he kill you for worshiping a golden calf but then kill you for not worshiping a copper snake?
3) Why would "God" give them crap to sell to their followers, then give them "new" crap to sell to their followers and then give then even "newer" crap to sell to their followers, when every sane person can see it is/was ALL crap?
Why would he ask them to sacrific a bull, then only a healthy bull, then say bull is not enought and want "the bull of the lips" when it is all bull?
I am being coy.
JWs are not the only ones with new light catholics do it too. Basically it is a trait of most religions it is just that the wts is herretic so it is more controvesial. One could argue why did the trinity need progressive revalation or hell fire or the immortal soul or the significance of the ransom. The whole concept of religion is progressive revelation. In real life a competent God would not act like this. So there is no God or God is not competent.