by integ 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • integ


    On Saturday May 29th, there will be a talk given at the district assembly in my area, called "Walking in the Path of Increasing Light". I will not be able to attend this talk. Does anyone have any insight as to whether this is an announcement of some "New Light"? Or perhaps a "reminder" not to question the changes that have been made in the past? Or something else? Any insight on this would be very appreciated, and would no doubt lead to some very lively speculation/discussion on this forum I'm sure.

    Thank You,


  • ohiocowboy

    Sound like the name of a new book...

  • bebu

    I remember reading a non-JW's criticism of the WT's feeble "new light" excuse. It went, to have ever increasing light properly you might start in darkness and a little added light would show the form of something. You might distinguish enough to state whether it is either an ape or a person. A little more light may show that the thing is a person; more light would show that it is an older man; more light to show that he is half bald and his eyes are blue... etc, until everyone sees the same image perfectly in full light.

    But WT increasing light is like this: one (the WT) declares with authority that the form in front of everyone is a Chinese woman... with her hands folded in her lap as she is sitting on a chair... wearing a red silk dress... and wearing an ornate Chinese hat.... and the light increases steadily and everyone realizes that they are staring at a cow chewing cud.


  • Farkel

    : On Saturday May 29th, there will be a talk given at the district assembly in my area, called "Walking in the Path of Increasing Light". I will not be able to attend this talk. Does anyone have any insight as to whether this is an announcement of some "New Light"?

    The WTS uses the term "new light" in a very perverted interpretation of Proverbs 4:18. Read the surrounding verses and then try to convince ANYONE that 4:18 has ANYTHING to do with evolving religious doctrine.

    The REAL term is not "new light", but "progressive revelation" The Mormons have been successful with this, and at least they use the real definition.

    That being so, it begs the following questions:

    1) Why would "God" give them crap to sell to their followers and later give them the "truth" to sell to their followers?

    2) Why would "God" give them the "correct" truth to sell to their followers, then later give them crap to sell to their followers, and even later give them BACK the "correct" truth to sell to their followers?

    3) Why would "God" give them crap to sell to their followers, then give them "new" crap to sell to their followers and then give then even "newer" crap to sell to their followers, when every sane person can see it is/was ALL crap?



  • avishai

    Yep. Don't piss on my back and tell me it's raining, OR "Light". I know piss from light, thank you very much.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    1) Why would "God" give them crap to sell to their followers and later give them the "truth" to sell to their followers?

    Why did he give the jews the law then do away with it?

    2) Why would "God" give them the "correct" truth to sell to their followers, then later give them crap to sell to their followers, and even later give them BACK the "correct" truth to sell to their followers?

    Why he tell Hosea to marry a virgin hoe that would cheat on him then later become faithful, just so he could go buy her back and then finally live happily ever after?

    Why would he kill you for worshiping a golden calf but then kill you for not worshiping a copper snake?

    3) Why would "God" give them crap to sell to their followers, then give them "new" crap to sell to their followers and then give then even "newer" crap to sell to their followers, when every sane person can see it is/was ALL crap?

    Why would he ask them to sacrific a bull, then only a healthy bull, then say bull is not enought and want "the bull of the lips" when it is all bull?

    I am being coy.

    JWs are not the only ones with new light catholics do it too. Basically it is a trait of most religions it is just that the wts is herretic so it is more controvesial. One could argue why did the trinity need progressive revalation or hell fire or the immortal soul or the significance of the ransom. The whole concept of religion is progressive revelation. In real life a competent God would not act like this. So there is no God or God is not competent.

  • mineralogist

    These talks are normally used to show how the knowledge increased during the last years / decades. Just some historical review i would guess ... i.e. boring stuff.

  • blondie

    I have to agree with mineralogist on that point. The WTS wants to remind the rank and file of their doctrinal past and how they can continue to rely on the WTS for "food at the proper time."

    w01 1/15 p. 18 Keep in Step With Jehovah?s Organization

    Regarding progressive spiritual enlightenment, Proverbs 4:18 has proved true. It says: "The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established." How thankful we are for the progressive spiritual enlightenment we have experienced!

    And then the WTS will proceed to bring out old and more recent changes.



  • garybuss

    XQ wrote:

    So there is no God or God is not competent.

    Something I can sort of get my teeth into:-)

  • Kenneson

    If their light is feint (feigned), they need a new source. See John 8:1

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