Stef: I am doing better....thanks for asking!!!
I just wished I would have read these books before dealing with certain people. I highly endorse reading these books to anyone!
I hope you are having a "fine day" too....
by codeblue 16 Replies latest jw experiences
Stef: I am doing better....thanks for asking!!!
I just wished I would have read these books before dealing with certain people. I highly endorse reading these books to anyone!
I hope you are having a "fine day" too....
Code, I hear ya!
Wishing I was in Dallas..
Maybe next year we both can go and maybe we can double date with our hubbys..
Stef: I would love to meet ya....and what a great idea for us and our hubby's getting together!!!
I hear ya...would be fun to get together with the Dallas party!!!
Keep smiling Stef
Cool, sounds like I have two more helpful books to read. I'm going to Amazon.
I just got the books 2 hours ago. Of course, I am starting on the 1st one: Combatting Mind Control...already on page 67. It is amazing!!!
I am wondering why you can't find this book in a book store with all the "cults" that are out here?
I haven't been this excited in a long time...I just received both of Steve Hassan's books: Combatting Cult Mind Control and Releasing the Bonds....Personal recommendations mean a lot to me. I will definately get these books! Thank you CodeBlue.
I just finished the first!!!...that's all I can say and they never mentioned JW's....(pretty obvious that the JW's are after reading this book)
It is a very enlightening is a "must read"...Combatting Cult Mind Control...