elders-MS-bethelites and Flirting Sisters

by stillajwexelder 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    I stated on another thread that a "aux pioneer" cutie sister tried to flirt with me when counselling her -- there were other occasions also - my question -. "Have any of you on this board had people in responsible positions flirt with you -- or have those in responsible positions had sisters flirt with you?"

    "aux pioneer" cutie sister tried to flirt with me when counselling her -- I was questioning how she got 60 hours per month in and she stuck her chest in my arm - and was genearlly playing the cutie - it did not work but I was flattered as I am only human

  • exjdub
    I was questioning how she got 60 hours per month in and she stuck her chest in my arm - and was genearlly playing the cutie

    Well, at least you found out the answer to your question Stilla!

    When I was an MS There were times that I got the breast rub on the arm Stilla. I was a bit naive when I was a Dub, because I would think that there was a message...and then I would think... nahhhh!, no way! and I would put it out of my mind. Now that I look back on it...


  • ohiocowboy

    Seems there are a lot of Shulamite Maidens floating around the borg!

  • blondie

    From the sister's viewpoint, I had several married brothers flirt with me, roaming hands. I have already told about the "finding out how far back your finger will bend" comment. I guess it works both ways.


  • Sunnygal41

    I pretty much kept my sexual impulses in check at the KH. Therefore, I think that the bros. read that energy and didn't bother to try it on with me. However, I did have an experience which involved a very beautiful single friend of mine that was importuned by an elder in the cong. Since my husband was an elder, I encouraged her to talk to him, and the bro. ended up being removed from his position. There were other reasons, besides this incident.


  • Ciara

    When I was pioneering we had a ministerial servant that was constantly making crude comments to the "virgins" in the congregation. Eventually some of the sisters turned him in, but about a year and a half later he was still made an elder. When I asked about it, I was told that they didn't have any choice because there weren't enough elders to do all the work in the congregation.


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Sexual harrasment was big time whereever i went.I was single because of a chronic disease and major health concerns.I suffered a lot of abuse. [Below is pasted from another thread,Danny gets revenge.] I know of many cases of incompatible marriages in the 'troof'.Where you have elders exercising their perk to rob the cradle.Likewise with the women.The Rockland Massachusetts Kingdom Hall was big on sisters hooking up with "Toy Boys" at half their ages.. .Prestige of marrying an Elder will it be worth it?It is really gonna s**k when you have to CHANGE DADDY'S DIAPERS. Do pampers disposable come in XXL adult ????

  • XQsThaiPoes

    My friend is a young pre 30's bethel elder. While at a brothers house their daughter came out of the shower in only a robe and came down to say hi while her parents where in the kitchen fixing snacks. He was saying the hardest part of being young and at bethel is the overtness of YOUNG sisters throwning themselves at you. Amazing considering in the "world" most women would never think of marring a guy in the USA that makes 100 bucks A MONTH!

  • happy man
    happy man

    this is an intresting issu.

    here in Sweden we have a bvigg scndal just now it is in pentacool church where the Pastor have use hes power to influens a young woman to kill hes wife, this is just now inn the news evry day, he have a lot of womans, and have use hes power to have sex widh diffrent womans, efven wifes to hes priests frinds.
    this have lead to an bigg debatt what it is as do that peopel in high positions fall ofre this siin as adultery is.

    Some say that it its most the most holy and hard men as do this, we have seen this even among JW, I now at least 4 PO as have done this,

    nowan was dfd fore that madher, diskusting.

    So the qestion is WHY do men in high positons this bad things, they now it is forbidden and bibel say it is very heavy siin.

    Is it power over the flock, we now from JW that if you have high position this will be silent down , so it not will affeckt the cong to much

  • stillajwexelder

    the qestion is WHY do men in high positons this bad things, they now it is forbidden and bibel say it is very heavy siin.

    That is my whole point -- you are correct they should not abuse their positions --but sometimes when a member of the opposite sex flirts and touches you it really is difficult not to be tempted -we are after all only human. I posted the topic because I was interested in how much it goes on in "The Truth" Gods one and only organization

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