So, who's going to the Convention this year? Are you going to attend all of it? Some of it? What are you going to do there? The last year I went to the convention, I only went for one day.
Convention Time!! Tis the season for your butt to fall asleep
by Nosferatu 23 Replies latest jw friends
The attendants would surround me and evenually ask me to leave (if some one recognized me).
So I think I'll pass on that one. Maybe next year if I'm feeling real ballsy.
Well if you go, don't forget to take with you a big pen for making the line of your ass because it gets erased for long time sat down (ja, ja.....)
Crooked Lumpy Vessel
I am still debating whether or not I should go this year. I would like to see what kind of new publication they are offering. I might just go for one day or a half a day. Its hard with a baby.
Since a lot has been going on about the UN and what not...I was hoping to see if they would address that issue. I thought about making copies of the UN letter and just laying them around the colosium. Maybe then they would make an announcement. Sometimes when a problem occurs during the conventions a special annoucement is put together. Maybe put a stack on the literature counter.
For example, last summer me and about 1000 other witnesses got to the center an hour early so that we could have a good seat. (It's hard with an infant to climb up and down 100 stairs to the nosebleed section). So when the doors opened, guess what...all the good seats were taken up to the nosebleed. They were saved with a magazine by the volunteers of the convention. Plus, people were shoving each other. So each day they had to keep announcing people not to shove or save seats.
So each day everyone would walk super fast to a seat and hope that you did not accidentally bump someone. Someone had accidentally pushed me which caused me to barely touch another woman. I aplogized that I touched her and she just snuffed at me. I felt like blowing her a raspberry.
You want to really see how much love they have among themselves...stand at the doors before they open and watch the hoards of people trample over and past all those with canes and walkers.
I thought about making copies of the UN letter and just laying them around the colosium.
Tape them on the inside door of the bathroom stalls.
Insert them in the publications people have used to save seats.
Fold them and put them inside the contribution boxes (folded to look like a cheque )
xjw_b12 just trying to help!