Greetings and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you here and look forward to hearing from you more.
District Overbeer
by Valis 15 Replies latest jw friends
Greetings and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you here and look forward to hearing from you more.
District Overbeer
Glad to have you here Hauki!
Welcome Hauki
Welcome aboard Hauki, looking forward to hearing from you.
Welcome Hauki, glad to have you here!
Good morning Hauki, how the hec are you, good to 'see' you here, welcome to schenalligans amongst balmpots and may your journey's upon here be long, peaceful and prosperous, btw, how dou do, I'm Mark, a rather cantankerous though good hearted old sod from West Cornwall, UK.
welcome hauki!
is your name hawaiian? or is it a play on words for the ancient japanese poetry form? I was all ready to write a nice welcome haiku poem, but I realized that may not be on base with that thought...
Welcome to the board!!!