They say that children are your TRUE love.
For me, I had dated people and been engaged before I found what I thought was my First Love. He was the "worldly" guy I started dating as I was leaving. It was such an intense relationship. We would go up to the mountains and talk till late into the early morning hours. I felt like I had finally found that ONE person who understood every thought I had, and vise versa. I lost my virginity to him. And for a time I was completely over-whelmed by the feelings I had with him.
In retrospect though, as I got older and moved on, I realized that I was just in an intense infatuation. It was hard to get over him I'll admit. The next couple of people I dated I Did compare them to him and no one seemed to compare. We attempted to reconcile about a year later, but I realized it wasnt him that I loved, but the that feeling. So looking back on things, settling down with him would have been a HUGE mistake. I'm glad things worked out the way they did between us, and I dont hold any grudges, I have a nostalgic soft place in my heart for him, and probably always will. Not that I would ever want to attempt another relationship with him, but just because it was a big part of a tumultuous time in my life.