Saw an interesting thread, made me think.... "What would you do if you found out you were going to die in 2 minutes?" Yiz
Yiou Got Two Minutes Left Of Your Life, What Would You Do?
by Yizuman 46 Replies latest jw friends
I would hold my dog, and keep telling her how much I love her, while thinking of what a blessing she has been to me.
I guess that is a rare situation. Do you mean such as after a two minute warning of a nuclear strike? Under such circumstances, I think most people would still try to hide or take cover. So it depends on how you are about to die I guess.
... Making love ... if possible (LOL) !
Obviously Secret
I hope I'm around a whole bunch of women when everybody officially knows they are going to die in 2 minutes. God I hope.
<hopefully make love also>
Ima ask this question to a whole bunch of people now lol
El blanko
The cliche - tell those dearest to me that I love them. Pray to God and then die.
Find some way to harness myself on a big ol' Harley (necessary because of poor balance due to my stroke) and 'fly' down the highway for those last two minutes!
Steve Lowry
I'd ask for another minute, of course!
Actually, I'd give a quick look over my life, and spend the rest of the time making sure God was watchin' what was happening to me!
I would send Simon that cheque I've been promising !
I'd either skin up or whack off, both if possible