Walking to School

by simplesally 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • simplesally

    I was watching the news today and they said that 16% of kids walk to school as compared to 66% of kids 30 years ago. Their is an obesity problem in the schools and walking to school helps them burn calories not just for the walk but for the rest of the day. Walking to school also 'wakes them up'.........they are more alert when they start school.

    I know I walked to school whether it rained or shined. We had rain gear and a mile to walk. I know times were different and we didn't have our parents walk with us, but what a great idea if you have a parent supervised 'walking bus.'!!!


  • Satanus

    A study of affects of msg (monosodium glutimate, hydrolised plant protein) showed that it could cause obesity. Young rats were treated w msg, and thereafter turned to obesity. There is msg in a few food products. Of course, there are other factors, as well.


  • Maya

    you know........I think about this often because I have a five year old niece who waits at a school bus stop.........

    And even though she is not alone.....I worry CONSTANTLY, because child abductions are so rampant....

    I really think there are BETTER ways of controlling childhood obesity, than expecting kids to walk to school............for me, there are just WAY too many perverts out there, who are becoming increasingly bolder, to take the risk of any child walking to school without an adult...............

    just my opinion........

  • blondie
    And even though she is not alone.....I worry CONSTANTLY, because child abductions are so rampant....

    I see little kids walking to school alone or with another little kid and I cringe. If I had a child, they would be driven to school and picked up even if I had to change my job to do it.

    The big problem is when kids get home and hit the refrigerator and sit down to play video games or watch TV. We are such a couch potato society.

    I remember the days of playing jump rope, dodge ball, riding bikes, etc. I never had a weight problem then.


  • truthseeker1

    I blame the entertainment and food industry! If they didn't make such fun games, entertaining television and tasty snacks, we wouldn't have such an epidemic.

    I remember the good old days when we were happily entertained with a couple sticks, some string and an old bucket.

  • Mulan

    I sure wouldn't want my kids to walk to school nowadays. They go so early that even the bus riders on our street are going to the bus stop in the next block, when it is still dark outside. It isn't safe for them. I drove mine 25 years ago, when the school levy failed and there were no buses that year. Even back then I didn't want them to walk. The weather here can be bad and it wasn't safe. I was more comfortable driving them. I took several neighbor kids too, since I was one of the only mothers who didn't work.

    However, Princess did walk to grade school, since it was about two blocks away that year. The boys were in Middle School.

  • Emma
    I know I walked to school whether it rained or shined.

    We did, as well, and sometimes walked home and back to school for lunch. I see myself "babying" my son, not wanting him to be out in "bad" weather and I'm sure my mom didn't give it a second thought.

    A couple of years ago he had nearly a mile walk to the bus stop and there was no choice but for him to walk. Now I can drop him off on my way to work and I know he's not getting the physical activity he needs.

    The lunches at our local schools are also fast food lunches; he's developed a taste for them and wants everything to taste like them. We got free lunches (because of my low income at the time) and it saved me considerable money, but I'm now paying the price in his quest for poor nutrient foods.

  • confusedjw

    I had to walk to school as a kid.

    Uphill both ways.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Sally

    My little hick town has a walking school bus as well

    A group of mothers organize it. There is always two parents walking them to school. One at the front of the walking bus and one at the back. Work wells and the little kids think it is soooo cool to do this.


  • bisous

    accompanied is cool...

    I agree with the other posters here tho. no way in HELL would I let my kids walk alone. I live in SFBay Area and with the high number of abductions there, just wouldn't take that risk.

    and I believe that risk exists most everywhere these days. take em to the park for exercise.

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