Time To Forgive The Prince Of Wales?

by Englishman 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    George Carey, ex-Archbishop of Canterbury, ex-number 1 head honcho of the Church of England next to Her Maj. has just made this statement to The Times:

    >>>>It would be "the natural thing" for the Prince of Wales and Camilla Parker Bowles to marry, the former Archbishop of Canterbury has said.

    George Carey and his wife, Eileen, met Camilla at their son Andrew's house in Peckham, south-east London, after her relationship with the prince went public, he told The Times.

    Lord Carey said of Charles and Camilla: "He is the heir to the throne and he loves her. The natural thing is that they should get married."

    He added: "The Christian faith is all about forgiveness. We all make mistakes. Failure is part of the human condition and there is no doubt that there has been a strong, loving relationship, probably since they were very young, that has endured over the years."

    Lord Carey said of Camilla: "She's a very nice person, she's very bright, able, astute, tough, very pleasant company... what happened was I got very concerned that she was an ogre in the eyes of the media, so I went out of my way to meet her and arranged to meet up with her in my son's house in Peckham."<<<<<

    This is nuts IMHO.

    What the hell has Prince Charles done that he needs our forgiveness?


  • mouthy

    What the hell has Prince Charles done that he needs our forgiveness?


    I dont think he needs our forgiveness!!! But If Margrate was alive I bet it would be a heart breaking memory for her.

    She was in love with Townsend!! The CHURCH!!!! made her chuck it in ( besides the Royals)

    She led a troubled life for years after.Had many heart breaking affairs...She was just as bad off as the exJWs..... Lost alot from religious intolerance . IMO

  • Shutterbug

    Eman, the royals are the UK's problem, and they do seem to be a problem. Can't for the life of me why you don't tell the whole lot to get off the dole and find paying jobs. Bug

  • confusedjw

    Camilla Parker Bowles and the tampon comment Chuck made.


  • blondie

    He can marry her, he just can't be King (or King apparent). He can marry her and let his son be King.

    Didn't one King of England step down for his precious love?


  • Cardinal Fang
    Cardinal Fang

    IMO, if he should have to ask forgiveness for anything, it should be for not being honest with himself, for not having the spine to stand up to his family (particularly Philip), and for marrying a woman (a girl, really) that he clearly wasn't in love with (remember his infamous "love...whatever that means" comment?). If he had, Di would've married a minor aristo and would likely be alive and well today.

    Just one of a number of reasons why (bearing the tragic case of Margaret in mind) the only royal I have any time for is Edward VIII. To stand up as an individual against the might of the establishment and fight for your own personal happiness takes MAJOR coconuts, if you ask me...

  • Gretchen956

    He needs to be forgiven for the fact that he married Di whilst in the midst of this affair. Thats not a gentlmanly thing to do. If he had any balls he would have tried to marry the woman he was really in love with from the start instead of totally f7%$*^% up another person's life.

    The two of them belong together (Chuck and Camiller), both with faces only their mummies would love.


  • Insomniac

    I know in my heart that I'm going to take heat for this, but I have to say it:

    Prince Charles deserves a medal for having been married to Diana for as long as he was. I never liked her, felt her life was nothing but a bunch of photo-ops, while others, like Princess Anne, quietly did their charitable work with no cameras present. I hope that Charles and Camilla will wed and have many more happy years together.

  • Angharad

    To be honest I couldnt care less, if he wants to marry her good luck to him.

    He did take a lot of heat for his affair with Camilla, but Diana was no angel and had numerous affairs as well.

    The French had the right idea

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Prince of Wales?

    I thought he was the King of Porpoises!

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