Thought I should say hello to everyone
I've been browsing the jwd for more than a month now, and I'm finding it to be an amazing source of info.
I stumbled upon this site because I was looking for info about the WTS money collection policies (aka. general greediness), and when I had found what I was looking for, I just kept on reading. The info on the incorrect predictions and other prophecies has answered many questions, and confirmed several doubts I've carried with me for quite a while. The stuff on child abuse has been pretty shocking, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised, considering the general level of secrecy surrounding many of the things that happen in the society.
I guess I have now officially joined the apostates :)
The scary thing was how despite being 'out of the truth' for a couple of years, I still felt guilty the first few times I came here. aah well, I guess there goes the last of my spiritually attuned conscience..
by DireStraitJacket 29 Replies latest jw friends
The scary thing was how despite being 'out of the truth' for a couple of years, I still felt guilty the first few times I came here. aah well, I guess there goes the last of my spiritually attuned conscience..
We will be good to you. Promise.
welcome to the forum dire! Nice to have you here. We don't have many peeps from Africa. Yet!
District Overbeer
Welcome Dire straitJacket ,,from now on to me you are DSJ O.K.
It is so good to have you join us. Isnt it great to get rid of that guilt we all felt on leaving the BIG O
I know !! I felt it too. Birthdays was a no!no Christmas,voting! you name it I went though the terrible guilt. Just show what MIND CONTROL can do to a person. Thank God we can now THINK for ourselves just as God planned for us.Have you read Crises of Concience???? I found that helped me immensly...
Pull up a chair & join our UNconditional love fest ((((HUG))) I am Granny on board. So I am giving a GRANNY HUG((((HUG)))
SB......welcome here, should you wish, we are looking forward to hearing more from you, regarding your escape from the Watchtower
New Castles
Welcome to the forum, hope to read more from ya...
welcome welcome welcome !!!!!!!!
Glad you've come aboard! Hope to hear more from you!