Did you ever get a W (Work needed) on a talk?

by desib77 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • desib77

    Someone mentioned this in one of their posts and I had a flashback. I remember getting a W on one of my theocratic school talks when I was working on gesturing. The funny thing about it is that it was given to me by my dad! I guess he didn't want to seem partial. (I certainly have to overlook the possibility that I actually needed to work on my gesturing )

    Did you ever get a W on a talk?


  • truthseeker1

    No, but I got sorta held back on it. he let me go to then next point but I still had to prove to him I worked on whatever I was working on. So sorta, but technically No.

  • Nosferatu

    Gestures was the worst! I got a W on that as well. I'm supposed to look enthusiastic when I'm talking about something I really don't give a shit about?

  • truthseeker1

    Oh to clarify, Its a privilege to recieve anything in a talk, cuz its a privilege to give a talk. We should rejoice that we are getting council on beeing a better public speaker. People pay thousands of dollars to enroll in a class such as this.....BAH I can't even fake it...

  • El blanko
    El blanko

    I was one of the few (very few) who refused to do talks. It just didn't sit right with me. Why should I?

  • fraidycat9

    I never got a "W", but I remember some who did. One sister in particular. She got a "W" on her "otherwise-filled-with-Gs" speech counsel slip. (Her talk was awful by the way and she was working on timing and she got "dinged" off the stage) She was as mad as a wet hen. She huffed and puffed herself off of the platform. Afterwards she cornered the ministry school conductor and demanded that he give an explanation as to why he marked her as being less than perfect. I thought the confrontation was hilarious!!. She sure looked stupid. It would be quite a different matter if after getting so many "G"s you'd get a prize (like "pioneer points" or a toaster or a blender). The only thing you get to do is discover if you have a hidden knack for entertaining or that you can get to look like a fool for free.

  • willyloman

    As the school o'seer I was notorious for passing out W's. I figured you could always improve. It was an overreaction, I'm sure, to watching other elders give people a G for the worst performance of the evening just because they didn't want to hurt someone's feelings, or were too lazy to figure out how to offer constructive criticism in a positive way. So I made up for it. More than made up for it, according to by lovely wife. It certainly made the school more interesting.

  • maxwell

    That's funny. The only W I ever remember was given to me by my dad also. I may have gotten one other W in all the time I was on the school from the age of 7 till I was 24, but I only remember the one my dad gave me. It wasn't really a big deal. The tradition with us was to always give the person an 'I' on the next talk and then a G unless they did really well on the point next time. So I had all G's and WIG spelled out in one place on the counsel slip at that time.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    In the New York Area in the seventies you always got G's (Goods). Then in the Eighties when the overrighteous zealous jack booted breech wearing Bethel Elders took over the W trend started. We had one idiot (Ralph Negretti) who NEVER gave goods but went from W to I (improved) to the next W.

    What a asshole he was.

  • Deleted

    I got a couple of WIGs for gestures. Wot? Me? Gestures? As I flap my arms.

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