Do you wish that you could have lived in another time period? I'm talking about like the early 1900's or late 1800's or any other time? Even the depression time? What an experience the depression would have been! The time period now is sooooo fast and complicated. Don't you think so? Just think about the time when there were no JW's and there was only the town church where everyone got together on sunday and all the neighbors cared about eachother and helped eachother. I would have loved to have lived in another time period where there was no pressure....How about you???
Do you wish......
by Strawberryfieldsforever 12 Replies latest jw friends
If I lived in the 1870's I could have done away with C. T. Russel and saved a lot of people a lot of trouble.
I'm not going to any time period without flush toilets and where women had not won legal rights say before 1920 (the vote).
I am woman, hear me roar
Good points, Blondie.
I alway tell my husband that I'm an eighties girl at heart.
I just watched Colonial House on PBS and a woman's life was not romantic, just full of hard work without washer or dryer in sight.
I ditto every comment Blondie said: she rules!!!
Crooked Lumpy Vessel
I think the world has always been a scary place. Although the times were simpler which I am definitely for, there was also influenza, polio, small pox and various others diseases without cure. I think in reality its all the same 'poop' but different day. But today's world is very different compared to the thousands before.
I think I wouldn't mind........but I also think that reality would set in and I'd miss now..
we dont' realize how spoiled we are
I'm pretty ok with here and now
got my forty homey?
Saw a movie called "Radio Days" by Woddy Allen and how during world war 2 times looked nice even though the world was a scary place to live. The depression also probably would have been a sucky time to live. How about during Columbus's time (1400's). Maybe I would have liked it then, but the life span was to short.