Fox Pees on Bush?

by patio34 13 Replies latest social current

  • Atilla

    Damn, I actually thought a fox had peed on Bush, that would be funny because he deserves it. Plus, it wouldn't be that hard to believe with all the vacation time he spends on his frickin ranch. Oh, I forgot, it's a "working vacation".

  • patio34

    Lol @ Attila!

    How are you Sirius? Interesting point. The actor playing Bush was handsome, imo, and Bush is hardly that, imo.


  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    Hiya Pat!

    I am doing well. How are you?

    I thought another reason why this can't be Bush/Cheney represented in this movie. This VP actually was seen in public several times. Our real VP has been hiding in a bunker counting his money for the last almost 4 years.

    I guess we will have to wait to Fahrenheit 911 for some real (well deserved) Bush-bashing. The trailer is great if you haven't seen it.

  • patio34

    Hi Sirius again!

    I'm better than I've ever been I think!

    Someone in the media said that The Day After Tomorrow was incredibly unbelieveable----not the science, but that the VP would admit at the end that the US and present administration were wrong!


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