damn I have been using the wrong poison.
Marijuana for migraines?
by Odrade 43 Replies latest jw friends
Satans little helper
Ok, I'm stoned right now and its real mellow. Depends what sort you smoke, it can be heavy and sleepy or manic and buzzy. I like a little of both.
You can mix with butter on toast, that works just as good. Hitting the bong is ok if you dont do it too often, I can remember the hacking cough I had at University from daily use.
Satans little helper
and mixing with alcohol can make you puke. A little is ok but if you are heavily stoned then its best not to drink more than a beer or two.
Odrade - sorry you had to suffer like that. About 20 years ago, I used to get a migraine on almost a weekly basis. Started Friday afternoon, and would last sometimes until Sunday. (I still usually made it out in service somehow......
As Nathan suggested - I tried Imitrex with an auto-injector, and it gave me some relief in 4-5 minutes, complete relief in about 20 minutes. Just some minimal discomfort - like hot pin prick sensations in my scalp.
Fortunately, I have gone from 30 really bad migraines a year to just one or two.
As for MJ - IMHO, self medicating in moderation is a good thing.
Hope you feel better soon!
Makena, I know they've made strides with the triptans, but how far into the migraine can you medicate and still get relief? Everything I've read says you have to do it early in the migraine and it doesn't really work on a full-blown one.
Friday - Sunday? Sounds more like cognitive dissonance than cerebro-vascular event huh? I used to get those ones too, except mine were Sunday - Tues.
I think I'm going to try the self-med mj route. Just need to get my hands on some now, before the need strikes again. No good going out to make a buy when you can't get off your back for the pain...
Sirius Dogma
hey Odrade,
Practically speaking, how much does that stuff cost now, been 10 years since I knew the going rate, and how do I find someone who can sell me quality?
well, depends on where you live and what quality you want. you can get mexican swag for $25 a quarter or a nice smelling, nice smoking, cured hybrid for $80 an eighth. you can also order weed from dutch joints, although it is expensive. the best bet is to grow your own. it is very cheap to do, get your seeds from canada or the netherlands, you can get exaclty the type of weed you want. i can give you plenty of information on this if you are interested.
as far as preparation, just lighlty simmer some butter and weed til the butter turns green, then pop in back in the fridge and use when needed.
Sirius Dogma
I would say a good "brownie" made from pot should have about 1/8 to 1/4 oz.
geeeezus man! i have made those 1/4 oz cookies before and full on tripped for 4 to 6 hours.
thanks for the info Sirius. Not really into growing my own. I can't grow blueberries, much less MJ plants. Yard is too shady... but that's another issue.
$80/eighth, not bad. It was $50 here for good stuff about 10 years back. (Pacific Northwest.) And yes I do know the good stuff by sight/smell--always makes me sneeze. Ha!
I know 1/4 is alot. Hey when you have say 6+ good size female plants,,and you just want the primo bud for smoking you get all the non bud leaves and make brownies,,one always tends to be genereous durring havest time.LOL.
Intresting.. Why? What happens?
you get very very sick, in fact its THE worst kind of sick! i did use it to eleviate some bad headaches i suffered from last summer. it did the trick. just don't mix it with booze. zev, who prayed to the porcelin god in a HUGE way.