This will ALWAYS be a problem for those inside unless you are paying really close attention to the scriptures. That's because the GB was being used as "God's mouthpiece" but not now; they were disfellowshipped on Nov. 20, 1992 as God's mouthpiece and became the official "evil slave" that was prophesied about.
This relates to the "what and weeds growing together until the harvest" which describes the organization as one infested with weeds but still being used by God for a time when a separation work will be done. Some can separate if they are Biblically astute but others still can't understand why this "Lamb" is speaking like a "Dragon" and so when the conflict comes between the Bible and the GB, many make the wrong choice and choose the GB, because they have begun to "worship" the "angel" that gave them the truth.
So the GB and JWs have way more truth than Christendom but less truth and the accrulately known scriptures now so they are in spiritual darkness as far as accurate truth.
It's a delimmna. Only those abandoning the GB and sticking with the Bible will find their way out. Going to other religions won't work after you know the accruate truth of the WTS; that which is accurate.
My 2 cents.
But the parables in the Bible about the "kingdom of the heavens" and what would be going on during the last days is believable as being fulfilled by the WTS, they were used to "preach the good news". But this "slave" was also to become apostate so that's what we're seeing now. The expulsion of God's one-time "mouthpiece". So you have to have BOTH concepts in place. Yes the GB was used as God's mouthpiece for a time, but not now. That's why they don't have the truth any more. Letting go of them is confusing unless you understand this concept.