I agree with Chevy!
by minimus 82 Replies latest jw friends
I agree with Chevy!
So, Tats & Cops ... you're saying that my worst quality may be that I often disregard even the most simple directions (unless, of course, those directions are screamed out by a horizontal woman)?
That's EXACTLY what I am saying!
impatience - I am ridiculously impatient Yeah me too! But I talk to much!!!! I try to not speak but them lips keep flapping
bttt so I can read this thread
I Fart too much....
Blimey Mouthy that was a cooincidence, btw what you saying now about those lettuce flaps, wattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????/!!
I read this to my hubby:
Hey! I cook, I clean, I do windows, I mow lawns, I fix cars, I clean out stopped plumbing, I groom pets, I can even throw in a little song and dance number to go with it. Why do you think I want a slob? So that I can devote ALL of my extra time to cleaning up after him. That is, as long as I'm not putting off doing it :)hehe, he asked, "Can WE marry her?" hehe, and after I reread
I cook, I clean, I do windows,
I'd have to say I'm considering it....lol
Desi ( I don't know how far off topic this was since I didn't read all the posts to this thread.)
My Alias will answer that. "Hey! I cook, I clean, I do windows, I mow lawns, I fix cars, I clean out stopped plumbing, I groom pets, I can even throw in a little song and dance number to go with it. Why do you think I want a slob? So that I can devote ALL of my extra time to cleaning up after him. That is, as long as I'm not putting off doing it" and Chevy I really am a lazyslob ;)