I'm not sure that I would classify phenomenal world as the same thing as faith. Sure we are trusting our sensory perceptions, but I think that's stretching the definition of the word to call that faith. I choose to reserve the word faith for things in which we don't even have sensory evidence.
I admit that "faith" is a word open to numerous definitions as well as personal bias and inclinations. Perhaps "trust" is a better term for what I was describing. But, for me, faith is trust.
As drWatson brought out, it's easy to fall into a self-refuting Pyyrhonistic trap to claim that all knowledge is based on faith. If that is truly your position, then you have to admit that my position that objective understaning is possible (or any other hypothetical claim) is just as correct since you have lost your ability to judge alternative claims of knowledge.
If all claims are open to being wrong what about the claim that is within this sentence? I admit, it's a conundrum. Actually, I don't put forward my view on this matter as any dogma, therefore it itself is open to refutation. But somehow I don't think anyone will ever be able to do that. B. PS...."This sentence is false."