For those of you that have not heard yet there are two bills pending in congress to bring back the military draft for ALL 18 - 26 year olds. For the website see .Twin bills S 89 and HR 163 are now being quitely pushed through so that it could become law as early as spring 2005. The Bush Administrations illegal and unconstitutional war in Iraq has cost hundreds of billions of dollars and hundreds of American lives and they mean to keep our troops their indefinitely in the foreseeable future. STOP THIS MADNESS NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. WRITE TO YOUR CONGRESSMAN AND SENATORS AND TELL THEM WE DO NOT WANT TO SEND OUR KIDS TO DIE IN THIS WAR STARTED UNDER FALSE PRETENSES.
by cbew 39 Replies latest social current
Why stop Bush? It's a democratic senator that started this bill.
Yes, I think you need to review the legislative process which I remember as being (corrections invited)
Congress proposes and passes law (both houses)
President can veto
Congress can repass law by 2/3 margin.
Supreme Court can declare unconstitutional
Congress can propose and pass a new law....
Known as part of the Checks and Balances (of power).
If people don't want this passed, they need to contact their representatives/senators in Congress.
Nathan Natas
As Avishai already explained, it was DEMOCRAT Senator Fritz Hollings of South Carolina who made the proposal. The Hollings legislation is the Senate companion to a bill recently introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. Charles Rangel (DEMOCRAT-NY) and Rep. John Conyers (DEMOCRAT-Mich.).
The fact is, the US military does not want the draft, because a draft increases the percentage of low quality soldiers. The US military is doing just fine without a draft.
By the way, Hollings has announced that he will not be seeking re-election. He is retiring from office when his present term is up, after 38 years of public service.
Frankly, I'd be more worried about KERRY bringing back the draft - he's the one trying to quietly bring it back thru
talk about 'national service'. It's more of a Democratic issue than republican, as shown by the fact that Rangel is the one
who kept bringing it up, even when the idea was unthinkable. I can't understand his motivation - maybe he hopes the Army
could forcibly mold the ghetto types he represents.
No one has considered the fact that homosexuality is now ( mostly) socially acceptable. Imagine thousands of guys
claiming to be gay to avoid the draft! Either that or you get an openly gay army - and that could cause a number of problems
in various nations.
Yeah, blame the legislative branch of the government for the laws please.....
True the legislation was introduced by the democrats but I have a strong suspicion that the Bush team is strongly behind it and endorsing it. So far they have not publicly denounced the idea and why is the media strangely silient on this important issue at this time? Not a popular topic for election I suppose. The fact of the matter is US forces are stretched thin around the world and are straining to meet their commitments. According to the Washington Post the Pentagon recently announced that it was redeploying half of its troops in Germany for use elsewhere. Troops in Iraq are doing tours of duty over 1 year and longer. Moral is down, many troops are going AWOL and Senator Kerry has even publicly stated that although he thinks the war was a mistake he will continue with our commitment of forces in Iraq for the foreseeable future. The draft is coming back unless enough stand up and oppose it.
So because you have a "strong suspicion" Bush is behind it we should stop Bush, even though Democrats brought it forward? If anything, the constituates of the legislators should be stopped.
Senator Kerry has even publicly stated that although he thinks the war was a mistake he will continue with our commitment of forces in Iraq for the foreseeable future. The draft is coming back unless enough stand up and oppose it.
So would'nt it be KERRY that we would want to stop then?