When you left the troof, what did you end up doing with any bible studies you had (if you had any)?
What did you do with your Bible Studies?
by Nosferatu 15 Replies latest jw friends
In 5 years I never had 1, tahnkfully!
I didn't have any... not for a loooooong time.
I had one but she told me she was divorcing her husband and moving away, so it solved all my problems. I told her she needed to concentrate on her personal life, so it was fine to stop her study. It was excruciating for me to keep studying with her when I knew what I knew. (she had been raised a JW and rebelled, and later married an "unbeliever")
Dave had one BS but when he went to Japan to work for two months, he turned him over to someone else, and let him keep him. He said he only taught him what the Bible said, and didn't get into WT rhetoric.
franklin J
while pioneering I had about 5 bible studies which I turned over to others when I stopped the pioneering to attend college.
I have no idea what eventual fate they encountered....
I didn't have any - and the PO told me it was because I had no "joy" in the service.
Before my dad took his life, he told his long time study that he wouldn't be able to study with him anymore since he hadn't yet shown interest in getting to meetings. When I found all his return visit lists, I had originally informed one of the elders that I would turn them over to him - but as each day passed and I was on my own way "out", I just couldn't do it - eventually I ripped them all up and tossed 'em with an unusual mix of emotion.
I turned them over as well. I had 100 productive RVs that I didnt give to anyone. I just left them there. My ex probably stayed with my RV book.
I had one but he wasnt much more than a mooch....so I just dropped it !
wow,.....this is a good question - Because there was a "gap" of two years between my 'productive' years of intense field service activity and actually "fading to black", I did not have any active studies that needed to be "resheparded". But it is amusing to think about the role(s) that some of my former students play in my laife now, 15 years removed from being active - One is a bartender at the local Olive Garden (needless to say, I REALLY enjoy spending time with him.............) Another is a very active "apostate" in the Atlanta, GA area. Yet another is a twelve year veteran of the armed forces. But there is only one or two of thirty or so that I studied with that are still active!!!!
The last one I had moved and I told her not to study with Jehovah's Witnesses any more. She agreed. We hadn't been studying just have cake and coffee and talking about life in general, going to a movie, etc.