Adapting to Low Meeting Attendance

by metatron 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • new light
    new light
    Oh well , if "The love of the greater number has cooled off" it proves that we must be very near the end,!, (As my dub relatives would say)

    Yeah, and a giant influx of "sheeplike ones" also means we're near the end. No matter what happens, the chameleon-like WT doctrine can adapt to put the world in its final days.

  • Poztate
    Oh well , if "The love of the greater number has cooled off" it proves that we must be very near the end,!,

    I remember this quote being directed at "false religion" only. Every time a church closed or a religion had a problem they would dig out this line from the bible.

    I think this is still the way they view the matter but I am sure if they ever had a major downturn in suckers new converts they would apply this New Light? to themselves.


  • stillajwexelder

    Another adaptation to low attendance is a little odd. Some halls remove rows of chairs to apparently create a smaller but denser crowd sitting at the meetings! ( how silly! as if Witnesses could be any 'denser'!). At assemblies, they may actually rope off immovable chairs or entire sections to avoid the spectacle of a large hall sparsely populated by attendees. metatron

    I have noticed this - it is true

    If they are actually forced to shut down a congregation due to decline, they may dislike saying the congregation 'failed' or got disbanded. "Consolidation" may be the preferred term. A Bethel brother told me they hate "downsizing".

    They have done this also in New York City and other areas -yes the love of the greater number is cooling of --Armageddon is just around the corner you horrible apostates on this board take note

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